Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us: He Offers Salvation to the Rejected One – Samaritan Woman

  • March 22, 2019
  • BY Sharon Feil
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Samaritan Woman  READ John 4: 1-42 Read John 4:1-3 What was the reason given for Jesus traveling through Samaria?   What would be the significance of him stopping in Sychar?    Read Vs. 4-5. What is noted about Jesus physical condition? What time of day might it have been?    Read vs.7-15. Why was this … [Read More…] Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us: He Offers Salvation to the Rejected One – Samaritan Woman


May 2024 Stewardship Letter

  • May 3, 2024
  • BY Sydney Bylsma
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Dear Moody Church Family,   Summer camps are one of my favorite annual traditions for our youth. Research shows that summer camps often play a pivotal role in a child’s decision to follow Jesus. As a parent, I am also excited for my kids to partake in camps that are fun, done with excellence, and … [Read More…] May 2024 Stewardship Letter

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The Good Person

  • March 26, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
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What is a good person? It’s quite an important question. Have you ever felt like you knew someone who seemed like such a good person and then one day, it all came crashing down?    Have you ever wondered if you are a good person?    Consider these 4 parables that Jesus preaches in the … [Read More…] The Good Person

August 2023 Stewardship Letter

  • August 4, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

Dear Moody Church Family Member,   Some dreams are years in the making. The good ones are worth the wait. As By The Hand opened their sixth site this past April, once again they saw God’s providence and faithfulness in action—just as they experienced in 2001 when The Moody Church said “yes” to starting By … [Read More…] August 2023 Stewardship Letter

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Alive By Grace

  • May 8, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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A few years back a friend of mine in Washington State had a near death experience. In God’s mercy, he survived. And I asked him how it had changed his perspective, and this is what he told me: “When you’re a dead man, and God gives you your life back, it means He’s got a … [Read More…] Alive By Grace

May 2023 Stewardship Letter

  • May 4, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Dear Moody Church Family,   Summer camps are one of my favorite annual traditions for our youth. As a parent, I am excited for my kids to partake in camps that are fun, done with excellence, and filled with Jesus! Our summer camps consistently provide opportunities for our young people to enjoy Christian fellowship with … [Read More…] May 2023 Stewardship Letter

FILED UNDER: Stewardship Letter

Mapping Our Hearts

  • January 9, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Who are you? How would you answer this question?   In the coming weeks, we’ll explore the stories of nine different characters in the Bible, who each tried to build their identities in all the wrong places, and then discovered the kind of wholeness that only God can give. And in considering their lives, we’ll … [Read More…] Mapping Our Hearts

Paul’s Heart For His People

  • October 17, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

If you’ve ever felt discouraged in sharing the Gospel with people who don’t seem interested, Dr. Mitch Glaser’s message from Romans offers three points of encouragement from Paul’s letter to the Romans: Paul’s Broken Heart for the Salvation of the Jewish People (Romans 9:1-3) Paul’s Prayer for the Salvation of the Jewish People (Romans 10:1-2) … [Read More…] Paul’s Heart For His People

September 29: Love One Another

  • September 29, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

Love One Another   Read: John 13:1-17, 34   Aside from the cross, there is no more gripping moment revealing the servant-hearted nature of Jesus than when He kneels and washes His disciples’ feet. The task of foot washing was reserved for the very lowest of slaves. Feet that shared the roads with horses and … [Read More…] September 29: Love One Another

FILED UNDER: Devotional

September 21: Bread from Heaven

  • September 21, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Bread from Heaven   Read: John 6:32-40   Jesus had just fed five thousand people in the desert with the bread and fish He multiplied from a boy’s lunch. The people were amazed. No one since Moses had given them bread in the wilderness like this. They felt they’d hit the jackpot! If Jesus could … [Read More…] September 21: Bread from Heaven

FILED UNDER: Devotional
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