Small Group Leaders

Are you interested in leading a Small Group? Consider these qualifications and contact us if so!


Small group leaders should:

  • Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Agree with the statement of faith and overall vision of Moody Church
  • Recognize the Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God and the authority for their lives
  • Have been a member or active attender of The Moody Church for a minimum of six months
  • Have small group experience (preferable)
  • Have the time and wisdom/discernment to lead a healthy small group
  • Pick up dirty dishes, clothing, and stray pairs of shoes from the room where the group will meet. Vacuum/sweep the floors if needed.
  • Pray for the meeting and the members by name as you clean the meeting room.
  • Bring in extra chairs before the group arrives so everyone has a place to sit, and arrange the chairs in a circle.
  • Move furniture if necessary in so everyone is sitting closer to one another.
  • Remove pets from the room for the entire evening if they are going to be a distraction to you or your guests.
  • Find a box of tissues and set it on a side table or coffee table. This way, you won’t have to search the house during ministry time if someone needs one.
  • Refuse to answer the phone if it rings during the meeting, and turn off ringers in the room where you are meeting.
  • Ask people to give you a hand putting the room back in order after the meeting.
  • Make sure beverages are provided, and preferably, some snack food as well (chips, salsa, wedges of cheese, and crackers, etc.).
  • Feel free to ask others to share the snack food load. If someone agrees to bring snacks, request that he or she be at least 10 minutes early.
  • Make sure the guest bathroom has an extra roll of toilet paper in plain sight and that you remove all prescription medicines.
  • Before you turn the lights out and head to your bed after the meeting, pray through the room and thank God for all he did during the meeting and ask him to fill your home with his love and not allow anything ungodly to remain in your home.
  • Expect visitors who’ve never been to your home. Be sure to greet them, shake their hand, show them where the kitchen and restroom are located, and make them feel at home in your home.
  • Make sure that all members have a clear description of where you live, and how they can get there (via CTA, where to park, etc.). Give them a number to call if they get lost on the way over.
  • Don’t assume that you have to have a big fancy house to host a small group. Smallish, humble homes often work best.
  • Don’t feel compelled to have a meal or pot luck every week. Snacks are just fine. After all, the focus should be on Christ in your midst, not the food in your belly.
  • Don’t be shy about politely but firmly telling your guests that it is time for them to leave. They might have different sleep needs than you do.
  • Don’t assume your house doesn’t have an odious smell. Ask someone in the group that you know well to tell you if the house stinks so you can do something about it. Keep deodorizer on hand so you can fix it immediately.
  • Don’t assume the temperature and lighting in the room is good for everyone because you’re comfortable. Ask and you shall receive clear signs that the room is too cold, hot, or dark for everyone.

Get access to over 3,500 discipleship videos for kids, youth and adults. provides us with access to on online library of video Bible studies from people like Tim Keller, David Platt, Max Lucado, Dave Ramsey and many more. If you are a leader of a small group and would like access to this amazing resource, please click on the Contact Us tab.


RightNow Media | Streaming Video Library of Bible Studies

If you’re interested in leading a small group or hosting one in your home, please contact Jonah Woodward @ or fill out the form on this page.