It’s Resurrection Sunday! This is the day we get our lives back. Two thousand years ago, the crucified Jesus walked out of the grave— and the world has never been the same. Jesus has a death-defying life, and He wields His resurrection power on behalf of His people. When Jesus draws near, everything changes.
Today as we celebrate Easter, we’re going to dive into two eye-opening scenes in the Gospel of Luke where Jesus displays His astonishing authority over death and His power of resurrection life. For the people in this story, it was the day they got their lives back. Resurrection had come to town in the person of Jesus.
The remarkable thing about Jesus is that He’s still turning the world upside down. What began in the ancient world continues into our modern moment. Jesus is alive and changing lives today. Who knows? He might just give you your life back as well!
If you’re a guest this morning, I want to extend a warm welcome to you. Thanks for spending your Easter with us! We’re throwing a reception for you right after the service. So come, stop by! I’ll be there and look forward to greeting you.
I also want to invite you back next week as we continue our series through the Gospel of Luke and explore the question, “Who is this Jesus?” If you’re curious about who Jesus is and what He’s all about, this is a perfect time to jump in. You can join us each Sunday at 10am right here at The Moody Church. I hope to see you next week!
You are loved, more than you know!