• July 11, 2024
  • BY Sydney Bylsma
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip
Watching the pictures flooding in each night from Lake Ann Camp, I am deeply grateful for our student ministry team and their deep investment in the lives of our students. Our new pastor of student ministries, Nate Brumbaugh, has been a real gift to our middle and high schoolers. As a father of three daughters at camp this year, I’m particularly grateful for the friendships they are building and the spiritual cultivation they are receiving this week. It’s a real grace to be a part of a church family that prioritizes the discipleship of young people. I’m very grateful.


I want to extend a big thank you to Pastor Nate, Pastor Justin, Emily Brumbaugh, all our amazing student ministry volunteers, as well as the staff at Lake Ann Camp for making this an unforgettable week for our kids. Getting 115 students through a week of camp is a big endeavor. Thank you all for your faithful and invested service.


You’re reminding our students that they are loved, more than they know!

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