• July 26, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip

What a wonderful week we’ve had at Summer Blast! I’ve loved watching these hundreds of kids learn about the love of Jesus while having the time of their lives. God is at work. And we got to have a front row seat. How wonderful is that?


One of the things that encouraged me the most was to see how many of you came out in force to serve this week. From the drama, music, and teachers, to the church decorators, group leaders, parking team, and activity coordinators, this was an all-hands-on-deck kind of week. Summer Blast is truly a family effort, and so many of you showed up and did your part. Talk about growing in love through service!


I want to thank Michele Forrider for her amazing leadership of our TMC Kid’s Ministry and Summer Blast. Her fabulous leadership team—Emily Brumbaugh, Hannah Forrider, Rochelle Gundu, Jillian Huff, Jonny Huff, and Nana Peters—did an amazing job coordinating our volunteer teams and loving on our kids. When you see these folks around, please take a minute to thank them for their investment in this Gospel work, and to remind them that they are loved, more than they know!

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