• July 31, 2024
  • BY Kaitlyn Schwenk
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip

I’m reminded this week of just how important family is. Krista, the kids, and I are spending the week with our family, and the connections are just so precious. God has designed us for family, something we often lose sight of in our mobile, disconnected, hyper-individualized culture. But there’s nothing like the life-giving connections of grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins to help ground our place in the world. We need each other. We belong to each other. Family matters. I’m grateful for a chance to invest in family this week.


Speaking of family, we have the joy of hearing God’s Word proclaimed this week by our very own Pastor Justin May! Justin has been a part of The Moody Church family for years. From his time as a volunteer, and then part-time staff, to his joining our team as Pastor of our Student Ministries, to his current role as the Pastor of our Veritas Community, we’ve had the joy of watching God’s hand on Justin’s life over time. God has gifted him in special ways. So let’s lean in and hear what the Lord has to say to us today through the teaching of His Word!


Remember, in God’s family, you are loved, more than you know!

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