1 John 4:13-16a
Prayer Request March 2018
The Pastoral Search Committee continues to review potential candidates, having reviewed nearly 30 potential candidates since September of 2017. The Committee desires your continued prayer, knowing that the process must be one directed by the Lord. “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
D.L. Moody Weekly: His Consuming Passion for the Salvation of the Lost
1 John 4:9-12
D.L. Moody Weekly: Freedom from the Love of Money
1 John 4:4-8
Criteria for Evaluating Teaching Pastor Candidates: Spiritual and Personal Strengths
The previous blog post outlined the criteria the Pastoral Search Committee uses to evaluate sermons of potential candidates. And while a potential candidate’s preaching and teaching abilities are critical, they are only one part of what will make for a successful Teaching Pastor. The Search Committee also considers factors related to a potential candidate’s walk … [Read More…] Criteria for Evaluating Teaching Pastor Candidates: Spiritual and Personal Strengths