• March 8, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: Pastoral Search Committee

The previous blog post outlined the criteria the Pastoral Search Committee uses to evaluate sermons of potential candidates. And while a potential candidate’s preaching and teaching abilities are critical, they are only one part of what will make for a successful Teaching Pastor. The Search Committee also considers factors related to a potential candidate’s walk with the Lord and his personal strengths.


Regarding a potential candidate’s walk with the Lord:

  • He must meet the qualifications of an elder, as listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 and as identified in the church’s Constitution.
  • He must delight in helping other people grow spiritually through his personal mentoring and encouragement, and in his witness for Christ in personal relationships outside the church.
  • He will continue to grow in his relationships with Jesus Christ, his wife, and his family.
  • He will devote himself to prayer and the ministry of the Word. He must have a burden for prayer and lead the congregation in seeking God regularly.
  • He will be known as a man of integrity, humility, and personal holiness.
  • His wife must be a mature Christian woman devoted to the Lord, her husband, and her children (if any). She must be completely supportive of her husband’s role as pastor.


Regarding a potential candidate’s personal strengths:

  • He must demonstrate a love for God and His Word, and a love for people.
  • He must demonstrate a God-given call to the ministry.
  • He must have the ability to preach, teach, and apply the Word of God in challenging, relevant ways and delight in doing so.
  • He must have the ability to relate well with people from many different backgrounds and ethnicities. He must be mindful of our promise statement: “The Moody Church is a trusted place where anyone can connect with God and others.”
  • He must have strong, proven communication and leadership skills.


Please pray for the Search Committee as we diligently seek a Teaching Pastor who is a uniquely gifted preacher and teacher, a man of integrity, and an example of Christ-likeness.

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