• November 29, 2024
  • BY Sydney Bylsma
  • no responses

As we enter this season of Advent, we’re going to focus in on what theologians have called “The Threefold Office” of Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King. In the Old Testament, these three offices were held by different individuals, each of whom was anointed for their role. The prophets spoke the Word of God to the people. The priests were mediators on behalf of the people. And the kings served as ruling shepherds over the people. The long history of frail and fallible humans in these offices pointed forward to a greater Prophet, Priest, and King who was to come.

When Jesus arrived on the scene as the “Anointed One,” which is what the title Messiah means, He fulfilled all three of these offices and united them together into one threefold office. Jesus is our Prophet, the Word of God made flesh. Jesus is our Priest, the true Mediator between God and man. Jesus is our King, who reigns with justice forevermore. These three offices in the Old Testament foreshadowed and anticipated the ultimate fulfillment of Christ as He forever unites these offices in His life and ministry.

So, for the next few weeks, we’ll be diving into the threefold office of Christ who is our Prophet, Priest, and King now and forevermore. We’ll trace the threads of anticipation from the Old Testament into the New, showing how everything is pointing to Jesus. Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One. He is the One we’ve been waiting for. He has come. His Advent is here.

And that means we are loved, more than we know!

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