This Sunday we’re looking forward to our Children’s Christmas program. It’s a memorable and special part of our Advent celebrations here at The Moody Church. I’m always touched by the hard work and sincere hearts of our kids as they lead us in worship and remind us of what Christmas is all about. I was reflecting this week on a few reasons why this Sunday is so good for us as a church, and I thought I’d share them with you.
First, it’s good for us to be led in worship by our children. Jesus said the kingdom of God belongs to those with childlike faith (Matthew 18:3). There is a earnestness and whole-heartedness to childlike faith that is precious and wondrous. We need to be reminded and inspired by the faith of our little ones.
Second, it’s good for us to share the platform with our kids. After all, they are not just the future of the church, they are the church. Our kids become our brothers and sisters when they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sharing the platform is one way we can demonstrate our humble fraternity within the family of God.
Third, it’s good for us to worship in a different mode. The children’s program won’t be as intellectually stimulating as most Sundays where a sermon is front and center, but intellectual worship isn’t the only kind of worship. Our kids are going to stir our hearts in different ways with empathy and humor and insights we need. We can get lost in our heads as adults. Kids remind us that worship requires the whole of our being.
Fourth, it’s good for us to help this younger generation stretch and grow and try new things as they develop into their own sense of Christian identity and missional calling. Some of the kids before us on Sunday will be worship leaders, preachers, and ministry partners for years to come. What a joy to be a part of their formation!
Fifth, and finally, it’s good for us to rejoice over what God is doing in the next generation. All of history is in His hands, and so are our kids and their kids and the kids that will come beyond them. The church stretches across centuries. So we prayerfully lift up these kids and ask that the Lord would continue to build his church for centuries to come until Christ returns.
So let’s lean in and enjoy this Christmas program, and remind our kids that they’re loved, more than they know!
Yes kids are the church
Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of God.
Thank you for all you do for the Lord. I like to hear your broadcast. If I am sick and can’t go to Church, I can watch it and then listen to my own service in the afternoon. God Bless your ministry.