• January 25, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response
CATEGORIZED IN: Pastoral Search Committee

​The nine member pastoral search committee is excited and very engaged in the process of finding and recommending a lead teaching pastor to the elders. In the past four months, the committee has considered more than 20 individuals, reviewing resumes and listening to lots of sermons. The committee has been encouraged with the quality of the preaching and teaching of a number of these men. Once a serious candidate is identified and has the support of the elders, they will be asked to engage with our search consultant Rob Lauer to begin a more in-depth interview process.


Please continue to pray that God will clearly direct the work of this committee, and that the committee will remain diligent and united as they seek to find the man God has anointed and called to this special responsibility.

One thought on “January 2018 Update

  1. Search Committee:

    I thank God for your diligent services in our congregation’s search for a new teaching pastor at The Moody Church. Having served on such committees at other congregations before I joined TMC some 30 years ago I know how challenging a task it can be while attempting to find just the “right” candidate — especially considering they will follow the likes of Erwin Lutzer and the legacy of Moody Church itself. As a missionary myself I appreciate the challenges of such calls from a potential candidate’s perspective, as well.

    Therefore, do not be anxious for anything related to said search. God knows who He wants to lead us in His Word and when He wants His chosen candidate. Patients is still a godly virtue, according to the Apostle Paul. And the Lord has provided us with a superb interium teaching pastor in Ed Stetzer to help us stem the tide of discontent. So remain patient and the congregation will, too. .

    As a point of curiosity — are you searching aboard for candidates. In addition to the Canadian, Lutzer, TMC has had other internationals who have served in TMC pulpit successfully In past years. Considering the growing multi-national character of TMC in recent years and the success of international teaching pastors in other respected congregations in the USA, I trust you have not overlooked internationals as potential candidates — even internationals of color.

    God’s continued blessings,


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