• July 5, 2024
  • BY Sydney Bylsma
  • no responses
CATEGORIZED IN: Stewardship Letter

Dear Moody Church Family Member,                                                                           
I hope you are enjoying your summer! As our church nears the end of the fiscal year in August, I want to say thank you and highlight some examples of the impact of your generosity.  
Our church has much to be thankful for. God has allowed us to generously support three campaigns this year as we change our world through mission: 


  1. In November, we provided over 1,000 shoeboxes to kids in need around the world with Operation Christmas Child. 

  1. In December, we gave over $250,000 to three ministry partners who are doing incredible work meeting the needs of refugees here in Chicago and supporting pastors and house church leaders in Cuba and the Middle East. 

  1. This Spring, the Redemption Project provided over $100,000 in contributions for our partner in Lebanon, Call of Hope. 

Alongside these special offerings, there are amazing things happening almost every day of the week through our regular ministries. TMC Kids and Youth are growing rapidly, many small groups, communities, and classes meet in the church, and we welcome new people to Sunday services and activities each time the doors open. Additionally, our local and global outreaches impact thousands of people who may never set foot in our church. All of this is made possible thanks to your faithful giving and commitment to serving alongside one another.  
As the fiscal year closes, I want to thank you for the increase in giving we have seen this year.  However, our higher giving levels have not kept up with the increased expenses the church faces (details are in the bulletin). We have rigorously and prayerfully considered our ministry plans and we are excited about what the Lord will do in the year ahead. We can only do this with your help. Would you prayerfully consider a special fiscal year-end gift?  
The Bible tells us giving is an act of worship—a joyful response to God’s immeasurable grace and love. Knowing that your faithfulness will have an eternal impact, please consider what you might contribute. Thank you again for your generosity and your commitment to The Moody Church as we continue together on The Journey of a Lifetime!  
Bill Van Tuinen
Pastor of Global Outreach & Stewardship 

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