Mosaic Retreat Registration
Important Retreat Information
Retreat begins Friday May 24 at 8:00PM EDT, and ends Sunday May 26 at 11:00AM. You can check in starting at 6:00PM on Friday night; checkout is from 10:00AM to noon on Sunday.
The retreat is held at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference.
Address: 4759 Lake Harbor Rd, Muskegon, MI 49441
The main office and check-in desk are in the Main Lodge, located off of Lake Harbor Rd.
Our Theme this year is: Building Blocks of a Gospel Centered Family
Our Speakers are David and Diane Martinelli, former Moody Church members, they joined the staff of Cru independently after being significantly impacted by the ministry in college. David is currently the Executive Director of Field Missions for Cru.
6:00–8:00pm Registration and Settle In
8:00–8:15pm Welcome: Introduction to the Resort (In Family Life Center)
8:30–9:30pm Session 1: Pie Reception/Get To Know the Martinelli’s
8:00–9:00am Breakfast
9:30–10:30am Session 2: It Starts With Us
10:30–10:45am Break
10:45–11:45am Session 3: Key Gospel Issue:Thanksgiving, Blessings/Not Cursing, Forgiveness
12:00–1:00pm Lunch
1:00–5:30pm FREE TIME
5:30–6:30pm Dinner
7:00–8:30pm Session 4: God’s Heart For Our Kids And Our Marriage
9:00pm Campfire
8:00–9:00am Breakfast
9:30–11:00am Session 5:Building Gospel Resiliency In Your Kids
11:00am–12:00pm Check-out
Yes, there will be childcare during the main sessions throughout the weekend. The childcare rooms are in the Family Life Center. We have 3 rooms (Nursery, PreK, Elementary) with children already assigned. When families arrive to the Family Life Center, the rosters will be on the doors so families will know where to go. Michele will also be there to direct them.
Ryan Outland will oversee the Jr. and Sr. High kids. He’ll meet them in the Family Life Center as well. He’ll be doing activities with them around the camp.
Childcare is available on Friday night 8:30pm–9:30pm and also on Saturday/Sunday during the main sessions.
Michele.Forrider is heading up childcare so feel free to contact her with questions at
Bring all your usual daily needs—toiletries, hair dryer, etc. (Remember, we’re staying in hotel-type rooms, so sheets/blankets/towels are provided.). They DO NOT provide shampoo. If the weather is good you’ll want to bring stuff for the beach. Think beach towels, toys to play with in the sand, and plenty of sunscreen. And whatever you do, don’t forget your Bible.
Dress is casual—jeans and shorts are fine. Wear comfy shoes that are appropriate for walking if you have the desire to do so. You will want to bring clothes for the beach (remember to bring your beach towel).
Oh, boy, is there free time! We’ve set aside 1:00pm–5:30pm Saturday for that purpose, and there are lots of options. Maranatha has a gym (with basketball hoops, fitness room), game room, and more. There’s gorgeous scenery to walk through, beaches to explore, and several area attractions.
Dinner on Friday night is up to you. There will be snacks at the opening session.
All meals from Saturday breakfast through Sunday breakfast will be in Maranatha’s Cafeteria. You’ll be happy to learn that they do have highchairs.
Maranatha works hard to accommodate food allergies and special requests. Please feel free to contact the kitchen at Maranatha directly at 231-798-2161 (ask for food department). Let them know you are with the Moody Church group.
Last name A-M bring a healthy snack,
Last name N-Z bring the good snacks (good = loaded with calories!!!)
When in doubt about what snacks to bring consider if Pastor Mark would eat it 🙂