January 22, 2023

  • January 19, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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  Each year, two important days fall within a week of each other: Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Both are important occasions for us to draw out the implications of the Gospel for the broken world in which we live. After all, a Christian understanding of racial justice and … [Read More…] January 22, 2023

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

Mapping Our Hearts

  • January 9, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Who are you? How would you answer this question?   In the coming weeks, we’ll explore the stories of nine different characters in the Bible, who each tried to build their identities in all the wrong places, and then discovered the kind of wholeness that only God can give. And in considering their lives, we’ll … [Read More…] Mapping Our Hearts

January 8, 2023

  • January 5, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

  Each year I have such good intentions. My New Year’s resolutions seem reasonable and achievable. I make a chart and begin with vigor! But then reality sets in. My self-discipline isn’t what I thought. Bad habits are stubborn things. Everything goes back to normal. And it’s only the second week of January!   I’m … [Read More…] January 8, 2023

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

The Incarnate King

  • December 27, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Have you ever experienced a kind of whiplash after Christmas? All the wonder, joy, peace on earth, goodwill toward men, all is cheery and bright…and then January hits. Bills come due. Reality sets in.   Christmas often seems like a feel-good season that’s disconnected from the troubles of the real life. A mass-marketed departure from … [Read More…] The Incarnate King

Sunday Performance

  • December 17, 2022
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hello,   It’s here, tomorrow is the big day!  The kids worked so hard this afternoon – I am so proud of them, please tell them I said so.   Here are a couple of reminders for tomorrow:   Please have your child in their costume and ready to go at 8am in Christiansen. Please … [Read More…] Sunday Performance

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

The Honored King

  • December 12, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Who has Jesus come for? The angel told Joseph: “You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” His name means “The Lord saves,” because He will save his people from their sins.   But who are “his people?” Who is it that Jesus has come to save?   … [Read More…] The Honored King

December 11, 2022

  • December 9, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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  All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’ (which means, God with us). —Matthew 1:22–23   Immanuel is my favorite name that God has revealed for Himself. To me, it captures the … [Read More…] December 11, 2022

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

The Awaited King

  • November 28, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Advent means “arrival” and it’s full of awaiting. In the Old Testament era, the people of God were awaiting the advent of their Messiah, the Anointed One, who would fulfill all of God’s covenant promises to His people.   And two thousand years ago, a baby was born in Bethlehem, Jesus the Son of God, … [Read More…] The Awaited King

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