December 31, 2023

  • December 29, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Happy New Year!   I can’t believe 2024 is already just around the corner. How time flies!   So many of us will be making New Year’s resolutions in the coming hours. This is the year when we’ll lose those extra pounds, kick that stubborn habit, and finally gain forward momentum! We always seem to … [Read More…] December 31, 2023

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December 24, 2023

  • December 20, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Merry Christmas from our family to yours! It seems like Christmas rushed upon us this year. We’ve been running hard to finish up with school, get all our presents wrapped and under the tree, attend all those festive gatherings with friends, and sneak in some family holiday traditions whenever we can. And now it’s here. … [Read More…] December 24, 2023

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December 17, 2023

  • December 14, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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One of the things Dr. Luke emphasizes in the Gospel he’s writing is just how much Jesus loves the poor, the outcasts, and those on the fringes of society. The Gospel is good news for the poor, because you don’t need any social status to receive grace. Grace is the great equalizer. Only those who … [Read More…] December 17, 2023

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Recommend Leaders

  • December 13, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Small Group Leaders Qualifications for Leaders Are you interested in leading a Small Group? Consider these qualifications and contact us if so!   Small group leaders should: Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ Agree with the statement of faith and overall vision of Moody Church Recognize the Bible as the inspired and infallible … [Read More...] Recommend Leaders

December 10, 2023

  • December 8, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Advent is the celebration of the Incarnation. God descends to Earth as a human being in order to die, only to rise again and ascend in immortal glory. The Incarnation is the blazing center of human history. It is the hinge upon which everything turns. It is the first thaw after a long frozen winter, … [Read More…] December 10, 2023

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Tracks and Parent Page

  • December 1, 2023
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello again,  Sorry for more emails in the same night, but I realized my last one was a bit incomplete. Did you know that we have a parent page for our Children's Choir parents?  We do! It has everything you need including a schedule, listening tracks for the musical and a copy of every … [Read More...] Tracks and Parent Page
FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

December 3 Rehearsal

  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello! Our final Sunday rehearsal will take place THIS Sunday, December 3 from 12:30-2:30pm. All speaking roles will stay until 3:30pm. We will serve Costco pizza and then we will go into the Sanctuary for a very important all cast rehearsal. Please try your best to be present for this rehearsal! I know I … [Read More...] December 3 Rehearsal
FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

December 3, 2023

  • BY Eric Morse
  • 2 responses

This Sunday is the official beginning of Advent. Advent means “arriving,” and is the celebration of the coming of Jesus. During the four weeks of Advent, we will be lighting candles on the Advent wreath, which is full of traditional symbolism. In case you’re less familiar with these traditions, here’s a brief overview.   The … [Read More…] December 3, 2023

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

Thank you – Nov. 19

  • November 21, 2023
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses
  Hello!   What a wonderful time of worship we had this past Sunday! Thank you for all of your support and encouragement as we sang in the service. I know it can be an extra commitment to arrive early, get the attire, etc. It is such a blessing for our church when the children … [Read More...] Thank you – Nov. 19
FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

November 26, 2023

  • BY Eric Morse
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On this Thanksgiving weekend, I’ve been reflecting on some of C.S. Lewis’ meditations in his Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer. He writes of how life’s little pleasures should spark gratitude in us which leads eventually to adoration. Here are some excerpts:   “[We] shall not be able to adore God on the highest occasions … [Read More…] November 26, 2023

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags: