September 17, 2023

  • September 15, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

A little over a month ago, I had the joy of meeting Moses and Margaret after the service. They are from Cameroon and were visiting The Moody Church for the very first time. Moses is the older brother of Patience, whom many of you know and love. Moses told me that in 1957 he came … [Read More…] September 17, 2023

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September 10, 2023

  • September 8, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

The people we hang out with have a profound influence over who we are becoming. That’s why we always counsel our kids to be careful about the friendships they choose. We make friends, and then our friends make us.   That’s why Christian friendships are so vital. Following Jesus isn’t a solo sport. It’s a … [Read More…] September 10, 2023

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Home Alternate

  • September 7, 2023
  • BY admin
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Welcome to The Moody Church

  • BY admin
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At The Moody Church, we believe Jesus is inviting you on the Journey of a Lifetime to know God, feed your soul, grow in love, and change your world. No matter your background, it’s a journey everyone can take!   Throughout The Moody Church’s history, our passion has been sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ … [Read More...] Welcome to The Moody Church


  • BY admin
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September 3, 2023

  • September 1, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

My family and I are looking forward to being back with you at The Moody Church next Sunday! We’ve had a refreshing and productive time of study, visiting family, and vacation. And we can’t wait to be back with you all!   We’ll be jumping into the Old Testament book of Malachi with a series … [Read More…] September 3, 2023

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August 27, 2023

  • August 24, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

We’re just days away from the end of our fiscal year on August 31 and our $300 per household summer giving challenge. I want to thank those of you who have stepped up and joined us in this challenge. I’ve been so encouraged by the comments, calls, and notes you’ve written, expressing your commitment to … [Read More…] August 27, 2023

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August 20, 2023

  • August 18, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

  This week we’re celebrating the life of Krista’s Grandma, Florence Trula Friend (1937–2023), who is home at last in the arms of her Jesus.   I’ll never forget Grandma’s love for the Gospel and her church. Every time we visited her in Soap Lake, Washington, she was busy with some cooking, crafts, or decorations … [Read More…] August 20, 2023

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August 13, 2023

  • August 11, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

  One of the most important things I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I can tend to overextend myself. I’m a doer, and I tend to run at a fast pace. So, learning the disciplines of slowing down and practicing Sabbath rest are habits I’ve had to learn. Each August our family … [Read More…] August 13, 2023

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August 6, 2023

  • August 4, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • 2 responses

  What a wonderful week! Watching hundreds of kids learn about Jesus, sing songs of praise, and have the time of their lives was deeply rewarding. Summer Blast is such a treat. And God is on the move!   I can’t tell you just how special it was to see so many of you serving … [Read More…] August 6, 2023

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags: