The Scandal of Grace

  • November 21, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Today we come to the fourth and final chapter in the Book of Jonah.   It all began when God called Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, and Jonah flatly disobeyed, heading nearly 3,000 miles in the opposite direction aboard a ship to Tarshish. And just when he thought he’d gotten away, God hurled a … [Read More…] The Scandal of Grace

November 20, 2022

  • November 18, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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  It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just a few days away! I believe that gratitude is one of the most important marks of our spiritual health. When I’m delighting in the good gifts God has provided and responding in grateful praise, it’s a sign that my soul is functioning well. Conversely, entitlement and … [Read More…] November 20, 2022

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Christmas Activity Kit

  • November 1, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Download Your Family Christmas Activity Kit! Thanks for clicking to download your Christmas activity kit! Click the button below to download.   If you'd like more information about Christmas at The Moody Church, scroll down for our upcoming holiday event information. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE CHRISTMAS KITYou're Invited to Christmas at The Moody Church … [Read More...] Christmas Activity Kit

October 23, 2022

  • October 20, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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  If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to Change Your World through Mission, there’s a perfect opportunity coming this Saturday as we’re gearing up for Fall Fest! It’s a perfect onramp to invite your friends and neighbors to experience The Moody Church family. And it’s a wonderful opportunity for each of us to join … [Read More…] October 23, 2022

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Running From God

  • October 10, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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The story of Jonah is first and foremost about God. It’s a story that shows us God’s unrelenting grace for undeserving people. And, it’s a story for people like us, people who run from God and need second chances. The story of Jonah shows us a God whose love never stops and never quits, who … [Read More…] Running From God

October 9, 2022

  • October 7, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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  One of our goals in The Journey of a Lifetime series we just finished was to help people get connected into Community life here at The Moody Church. By the grace of God, I’m pleased to report that on a year-over-year basis, there are 371 additional people gathering throughout our Communities this fall! Many … [Read More…] October 9, 2022

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October 7: Salt and Light

  • BY Eric Morse
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Salt and Light   Read: Matthew 5:13-16   As we’ve seen, in our role as ambassadors for Christ, we are actually fulfilling the creation mandate of being God’s image bearers. We’re coming under the rule of God and extending His reign into all aspects of our lives wherever we go. We’re bringing our little kingdoms … [Read More…] October 7: Salt and Light

FILED UNDER: Devotional

October 3: Vice-Regents of Creation

  • October 3, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Vice-Regents of Creation   Read: Genesis 1:26-31   God created humanity as His image bearers. In the Ancient Near East, divine images were a cultural fixture. People worshipped what we now call idols: crafted statues made to represent their gods. Wherever the image of a god was placed, be it in a household, a temple, … [Read More…] October 3: Vice-Regents of Creation

FILED UNDER: Devotional

October 2, 2022

  • September 30, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

  The Journey of a Lifetime is more than a sermon series, it’s what it means to follow Jesus here at The Moody Church. It’s our discipleship pathway that connects all our ministry efforts to each of our individual journeys.   When someone walks through our doors, they are already on a spiritual journey. We … [Read More…] October 2, 2022

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:
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