Thank you – Summer Break

  • May 11, 2022
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hello!   I want to say a HUGE thank you to the kids for their singing this past Sunday. I was so encouraged by their participation in the service and was so proud of their preparation. Please tell them that our church was blessed by their singing and I am super proud of them. ? … [Read More…] Thank you – Summer Break

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

May 8, 2022

  • May 6, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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  On this Mother’s Day, I’m reminded of the legacy of the mothers who have deeply shaped my life. Their love and leadership echoes even now. I’m so grateful for the gifts they are in my life.   Elizabeth, my maternal grandmother, married my grandfather, Jesse Hensarling, Jr., on June 6, 1952. They enjoyed a … [Read More…] May 8, 2022

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

Moms at TMC

  • May 5, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Hi Moms! Hoping to connect with other mothers? So are we! We’d love to have you join one of our meetups. We’ll start conversations about the things we all care about- topics like managing our emotions, healthy friendships, and loving our kids well through their ups and downs. Your kids can enjoy time in our … [Read More...] Moms at TMC

May 1, 2022

  • April 29, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

  “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”   This phrase in The Lord’s Prayer resonates with me deeply. This sin-riddled world is not as it should be. There is pain, heartache, and brokenness everywhere. Just turn on the news. We ache for redemption and renewal. We long … [Read More…] May 1, 2022

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

Palm Sunday Thank You

  • April 12, 2022
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hello!   Thank you, thank you, thank you, Children’s chorus for such a wonderful service on Sunday! I’m proud of your participation in leading our church in worship and for all of your work in learning all of the music.   The kids did so well and I had many people come to me to … [Read More…] Palm Sunday Thank You

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Psalm 97

  • April 3, 2022
  • BY Scott Lilly
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FIRE Richard Sibbes: God is a Spirit, and he looks to our very spirits; and what we are in our spirits, in our hearts and affections, that we are to him. Therefore, what ill we shun, let us do it from the heart, by hating it first. A man may avoid an evil action from … [Read More...] Psalm 97

Psalm 96

  • March 28, 2022
  • BY Scott Lilly
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NEW SONG Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Praise should be proportionate to its object, therefore let it be infinite when rendered unto the Lord. We cannot praise him too much, too often, too zealously, too carefully, too joyfully. He deserves that nothing in his worship should be little, but all the honour rendered unto him should be … [Read More...] Psalm 96

March 27, 2022

  • March 24, 2022
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
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  Spring is on the horizon! Daffodil shoots are emerging and buds are beginning to swell as temperatures rise and rain waters the earth. It’s hard to believe Easter is just around the corner. Resurrection Sunday is coming. And Jesus is alive and changing lives here in Chicago!   In one of our recent membership … [Read More…] March 27, 2022

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

Psalm 95

  • March 20, 2022
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
GREAT John Newton: When I see Thee as Thou art, I’ll praise Thee as I ought.     Lesson Audio   Right Click / Save to download lesson audio: Psalm95_032022 Psalm 95 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us … [Read More...] Psalm 95

March 20, 2022

  • March 17, 2022
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
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  Times are hard. Inflation is rising. Budgets are stretched.   I want to remind you of the good work our Fellowship Committee is doing to come alongside those in our church family who could use a little help. Pastor Larry McCarthy shared these thoughts with me, and I wanted to pass them along to … [Read More…] March 20, 2022

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags: