Does God Really Care?

  • February 3, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Have you ever felt like God doesn’t care? When God responds in a way that doesn’t meet our expectations, it’s easy to make false assumptions about His character.   In this sermon, we explore three responses for when it seems like God doesn’t care about what’s going on in our world:   Look to Jesus: … [Read More…] Does God Really Care?

Hebrews 4:14-16

  • January 31, 2021
  • BY Scott Lilly
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Hold Fast our Confession D.L. Moody: No one could sympathize with them as Jesus could; no one had the same compassion with them that Jesus had. In all our troubles, the best thing we can do is to follow in the footsteps of John's disciples, and tell it all to him. He is a high-priest … [Read More...] Hebrews 4:14-16

January 31, 2021

  • January 29, 2021
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
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Believe it or not, Easter is approaching quickly. Down through the years, followers of Jesus have used the season of Lent to deliberately focus attention on the things of God. The season is meant to remind us of Christ’s sacrifice and his suffering on our behalf—the greatest act of love and care the world has … [Read More…] January 31, 2021

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip


  • January 27, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
40 Acts of Caring for Chicagoland The season of Lent reminds us of Christ’s sacrifice and suffering on our behalf—the greatest act of love the world has ever seen. For believers around the world, Lent is a time of personal sacrifice, a time to reflect Christ’s sacrifice for us. One way to reflect that sacrificial … [Read More...] Care40

Hebrews 4:11-13

  • January 24, 2021
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • one response
Strive to Enter that Rest John Calvin: God's Word brings the light of knowledge to the mind of man as it were from a labyrinth, where it was held before entangled. There is indeed no thicker darkness than that of unbelief, and hypocrisy is a horrible blindness; but God’s word scatters this darkness and chases … [Read More...] Hebrews 4:11-13

January 24, 2021

  • January 21, 2021
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • no responses

This week we once more affirm the sanctity of all human life. Because human beings are created by God, bearing His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26–27), they possess inherent dignity, transendent value, and inestimable worth. Each human life is fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving Creator (Psalm 139:14). There is a precious sacredness to … [Read More…] January 24, 2021

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

Hebrews 4:1-10

  • January 17, 2021
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
Do Not Harden Your Hearts Richard Sibbes: Let us, therefore, embrace Christ, and in Him God’s love, and build our faith safely on such a Savior that is furnished with so high a commission. And this power is conveyed by faith, by which, after union with Christ in His estates both of humiliation and of … [Read More...] Hebrews 4:1-10

January 17, 2021

  • January 14, 2021
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • 2 responses

I am so grateful for the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Here is why.   The Bible is crystal clear about the dignity, value, and equality of all people and ethnicities. This truth is established beyond doubt by four theological pillars:   1. The image of God, conferred upon all humanity (Genesis 1:26). … [Read More…] January 17, 2021

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

The Bread

  • January 11, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

This week we come to the first of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus in the Book of John. In each of these analogies, Jesus is revealing to us something profound about himself.   In this sermon, we look at Jesus’ statement that “I am the bread of life.” This logic of this statement … [Read More…] The Bread

Hebrews 3:7-19

  • January 10, 2021
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
Take Care, Brothers John Stott: Unbelief is not a misfortune to be pitied; it is a sin to be deplored. Its sinfulness lies in the fact that it contradicts the Word of the one true God and thus attributes falsehood to Him.   Lesson Audio   Right Click / Save to download lesson audio: … [Read More...] Hebrews 3:7-19