Hebrews 2:10-15

  • December 13, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
Bringing Many Sons to Glory A.W. Pink: That the Creator of angels should leave His throne on High and descend to this sin-cursed earth; that the very One before whom all the angels bow should, for a season, be made lower than they; that the Lord of glory, who had dwelt in "light unapproachable," should … [Read More...] Hebrews 2:10-15

December 13, 2020

  • December 11, 2020
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • one response

I want to give a shout out to Mike Arman today.   While some of you know him, and others may not, Mike serves every one of us in crucial ways each and every week.   Mike is the Director of Audiovisual Technology here at The Moody Church, and he and the teams he leads … [Read More…] December 13, 2020

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

The Covenant Keeper

  • December 7, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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At the end of John 5, Jesus told the religious leaders that they would be held accountable by Moses for “he wrote of me…But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” So for Advent this year, we’re looking at five ways Moses was Holding Out Hope for Jesus’s arrival. … [Read More…] The Covenant Keeper

Hebrews 2:1-9

  • December 6, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
Such a Great Salvation Lesson Audio https://moodyaudiobucket.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/audios/2022/04/08164057/Heb2.1-9_120620.mp3   Right Click / Save to download lesson audio: Heb2.1-9_120620 Hebrews 2:1-9 Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a … [Read More...] Hebrews 2:1-9

December 6, 2020

  • December 4, 2020
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • no responses

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing…. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood … [Read More…] December 6, 2020

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

Jesus The Curse Breaker

  • November 30, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Our spiritual condition is one of being born under the curse of sin. How did that happen, and is there a way out?   In this sermon, we explore our spiritual curse and our hope for a cure: The origin of the curse The effect of the curse The end of the curse   Galatians … [Read More…] Jesus The Curse Breaker

Hebrews 1:8-14

  • November 29, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
Sit at My Right Hand John Owen: If I have observed anything by experience, it is this: a man may take the measure of his growth and decay in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ, and the glory of Christ's Kingdom, and of His love. Lesson Audio https://moodyaudiobucket.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/audios/2020/12/02224434/Heb1.8-14_112920.mp3   … [Read More...] Hebrews 1:8-14

The Dangers of an Ungrateful Heart

  • November 25, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Living life without thanksgiving to God is a dangerous thing. Over time, our lack of thankfulness can degrade our hearts and cause significant damage to our personality and outlook on life.   In this sermon, we look at three dangers of an ungrateful heart: Pride: Thankfulness brings life into perspective and leads to us to … [Read More…] The Dangers of an Ungrateful Heart

November 29, 2020

  • November 24, 2020
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • 2 responses

Our family has a Thanksgiving tradition of inscribing our gratitude on decorative fruit each year. It’s a little cheesy, but it’s fun to place the fruit all over the house as decorations and look back on the blessings God has given us over the years. It reminds us of how good God is to us. … [Read More…] November 29, 2020

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

The Protégé

  • November 23, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Jesus was a force for disruption during his ministry. At Passover he cleared the temple, sent livestock and moneychangers running, and acted like he owned the place. He started baptizing in the Judean countryside, becoming even more popular than John the Baptist. Jesus healed an invalid at pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, and the … [Read More…] The Protégé