The Lamb

  • September 28, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

In this series, we’re asking what it means to find our identity in being loved by Jesus. But before we can know His love we must first know Him. Last week we focused on who Jesus is; this week we focus on why Jesus came.   The passage (John 1:19-34) highlights the person and ministry … [Read More…] The Lamb

Psalm 113:1-9

  • September 27, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
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PRAISE Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Praise, O ye servants of the LORD. Ye above all men, for ye are bound to do so by your calling and profession. If God's own servants do not praise him, who will? Ye are a people near unto him, and should be heartiest in your loving gratitude. While they were … [Read More...] Psalm 113:1-9

September 27, 2020

  • September 24, 2020
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • 2 responses

In 1803, Lewis and Clark began their famous expedition into the West. Their aim was to find a trans-continental riverway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and change the fortunes of the nation. Loaded with their paddles and canoes, they traveled to the Continental Divide. They expected to find the headwaters of the Columbia. What … [Read More…] September 27, 2020

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

The Great Flood

  • September 23, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Ocean waves with Noah written on the sand.

Even when we don’t deserve it, God shows us mercy. The story of the flood demonstrates three mercies that God provides for Noah, and ultimately all of mankind. In this story of great destruction, we catch glimpses of God’s merciful, saving nature: God provides salvation, God protects His people, and God is faithful to His … [Read More…] The Great Flood

Psalm 112:1-10

  • September 22, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
FEAR Charles Haddon Spurgeon: This man not only studies the divine precepts and endeavors to observe them, but rejoices to do so: holiness is his happiness, devotion is his delight, truth is his treasure. Let self-righteous men praise themselves, but he who has been made righteous by grace renders all the praise to the Lord. … [Read More...] Psalm 112:1-10

The Logos

  • September 21, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Jesus loves me, this I know… What if that’s actually the key to an identity so free, so abundantly full of life, so solid and lasting that all other identities fade into insignificance?   For John, his most defining, grounding, and meaningful identity was found in the simple fact that he was and always would … [Read More…] The Logos

September 20, 2020

  • September 18, 2020
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • no responses

Today and next Sunday many of us will “Gather Live” and see each other face-to-face for the first time in many months. We’ll be outside, socially-distanced and wearing masks, but we’ll be together. For many of us it will be a precious reunion. For me it will be the first time I’ve actually seen some … [Read More…] September 20, 2020

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

Be The Church

  • September 14, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

What does it mean to be the church in the midst of a pandemic? How do we be the church when there’s not a church we can be? In our minds, particularly in the west, we often confuse people and place, or “ecclesia” (Greek) and “kirche” (German), when it comes to thinking about church.   … [Read More…] Be The Church

Psalm 111:1-10

  • September 13, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
REMEMBER! Barton Bouchier: We see the stress here laid upon a whole heart, and the want of which is the great canker of all vital godliness. Men are ever attempting to unite what the word of God has declared to be incapable of union--the love of the world and of God--to give half their heart … [Read More...] Psalm 111:1-10

September 13, 2020

  • September 11, 2020
  • BY Pastor Philip Miller
  • no responses

For this Sunday, I’m going to use this space in a different way. Toward the end of my sermon I’ll reference these diagnostic questions and ask each of us to spend some time reflecting on them.   For each of these questions, I want us to identify two things:   1. Where am I in … [Read More…] September 13, 2020

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip