Habakkuk 3:12-19

  • January 5, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
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I Feel Fine John Calvin: Our joy shall not depend on outward prosperity; for though the Lord may afflict us in an extreme degree, there will yet be always some consolation to sustain our minds, that they may not succumb under evils so grievous; for we are fully persuaded, that our salvation is in God’s … [Read More...] Habakkuk 3:12-19

Connect & Respond

  • December 31, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
worship and connection at the moody church online
If you have any spiritual needs, questions, or prayer requests, fill out the card below and we’ll respond promptly!

The Good Shepherd

  • December 30, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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What does it mean that Jesus is the good shepherd? In this sermon, we explore what Jesus came to save us from and what He offers us. Satan seeks to destroy our eternal significance. Jesus came so that we can have life to the fullest.   John 10:10

Habakkuk 3:1-13

  • December 29, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
Trouble Comin' Every Day John Calvin: Whoever securely slumbers will be confounded in the day of affliction; but he who in time anticipates the wrath of God, and is touched with fear as soon as he hears that God the judge is at hand, provides for himself the most secure rest in the day of … [Read More...] Habakkuk 3:1-13

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

  • December 17, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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The New Testament claims that Jesus’ arrival fulfilled all of the law and prophets from the Old Testament. What does this mean, and why is this important for our faith? In this sermon, we see how Jesus’ arrival on earth displays our need for a savior, demonstrates our need for Scripture, and declares our need … [Read More…] Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Habakkuk 2:9-20

  • December 15, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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Nowhere to Run Martin Lloyd-Jones: Woe is declared upon the ways of all opposed to God. They are doomed. They may have great temporary success, and we must be prepared for that; they may apparently bestride the universe, but as certainly as their star arose it will go down. Habakkuk 2:9-20 “Woe to him who … [Read More...] Habakkuk 2:9-20

Habakkuk 2:4-8

  • December 8, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall D.L. Moody: We are to trust Him at all times. We are to trust at night as well as by day. We are to trust when we cannot see how it is coming out, as well as when we can.   Waylon Bailey: The righteous are courageous enough to accept … [Read More...] Habakkuk 2:4-8

Solo Rehearsal

  • December 3, 2019
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello, Chorus Parents!   We are in full swing for the Christmas Musical now. Please keep listening to the CD and probably, more importantly, watching the choreography videos.  ?   This Sunday, December 8, we will be having a rehearsal for all those who have been assigned a solo. Please see the email from … [Read More…] Solo Rehearsal

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Habakkuk 1:12-2:5

  • December 1, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
All Along the Watchtower John Calvin: Except then we be fully persuaded that God by His secret providence regulates all these confusions, Satan will a hundred times a day, yea every moment, shake that confidence which ought to repose in God. Habakkuk 1:12 - 2:5 Are you not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my … [Read More...] Habakkuk 1:12-2:5