Psalm 19

  • January 27, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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DECLARING John Chrysostom: The heavens may be silent, but the sight of them emits a voice that is louder than a trumpet’s sound, instructing us not by the ear but by the medium of the eyes. Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours … [Read More...] Psalm 19
FILED UNDER: Psalms of Wisdom

D.L. Moody Weekly: Peace

  • January 22, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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Peace A great mistake people make is that they are looking for peace in the world. It is not to be found in the world. We are going to have it by and by in that millennium reign. By and by He is coming back, and "righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Peace
FILED UNDER: D.L. Moody Weekly

Psalm 18:31-50

  • January 20, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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FOREVER Theodore Beza: David focused on this one thing alone: to proclaim that he did not reign to promote himself but to promote God’s glory alone.   Psalm 18:31-50 For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God?— the God who equipped me with strength and made my way … [Read More...] Psalm 18:31-50
FILED UNDER: Psalms of Wisdom

The Path To Purpose

  • January 15, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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What’s the meaning of life? Why are we here? Everyone wrestles with these questions. In this passage, we hear from King Solomon, a revered man of wisdom. He cautions us to avoid the vanities of this world and to focus our pursuit of purpose on things of eternal significance.   Ecclesiastes 1:1–16   More resources … [Read More…] The Path To Purpose

Psalm 18:20-30

  • January 13, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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REWARDED John Calvin: Whoever therefore would desire to persevere in uprightness and integrity in life, let them learn to exercise themselves daily in the study of the Word of God. For whenever a man despises or neglects instruction, he easily falls into careless and stupidity. All the fear of God vanishes from his mind. Psalm 18:20-30 … [Read More...] Psalm 18:20-30
FILED UNDER: Psalms of Wisdom

Psalm 18:1-19

  • January 6, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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RESCUED John Calvin: It is to be observed, that love to God is here laid down as constituting the principal part of true godliness; for there is no better way of serving God than to love him. But as he requires nothing so expressly as to possess all the affections of our heart, and to … [Read More...] Psalm 18:1-19
FILED UNDER: Psalms of Wisdom

Psalm 17

  • December 30, 2018
  • BY Scott Lilly
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SATISFIED Thomas Manton: The more ready the Scripture is with us; the greater the advantage. When the devil came to assault Christ, He had Scripture ready for him, whereby He overcame the tempter. The door is barred upon Satan, and he cannot find such easy access when the Word is hid in our hearts. Psalm … [Read More...] Psalm 17
FILED UNDER: Psalms of Wisdom

A New Name

  • December 19, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Legacy Sunday Night Service

What’s the legacy you hope to leave to the next generation? What will people remember you for? We all hope our lives have meaning and impact beyond our death. In the conclusion of the series on the life of Jacob, we see Jacob receiving a new name from God. The story reveals important truths about … [Read More…] A New Name

Men’s Conference

  • December 18, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous… –Joshua 1:9 Significance. We seek it. We long for it. When the day is done, every man wants to matter. He wants to pursue his destiny. But of all the paths to choose, which one is the right one?   We asked three men – each … [Read More...] Men’s Conference

All About That Baby

  • December 17, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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What’s Christmas really about? Watch as our Children’s Chorus shares the true meaning of Christmas.