Change Your World Through Mission

  • October 3, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Everybody wants to change their world. And while there are lots of beneficial ways we can help make our world a better place, if you want to change your world in a way that matters for eternity, there’s no better way to change your world than to join Jesus in His mission of redeeming the … [Read More…] Change Your World Through Mission

Grow In Love Through Service

  • September 26, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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How do we become a person of love? In this sermon, we’ll explore how Jesus is inviting us on a transformational journey to become people of love like Himself. On this transformational journey, there’s a pattern to follow, a power to change, and progress to be made.   Pattern: Jesus is our model of self-giving … [Read More…] Grow In Love Through Service

September 22: Abide in Me

  • September 22, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Abide in ME   Read: John 15:1-11   Jesus is a master teacher, and His analogies are brilliant in their insight. In our passage today, Jesus is showing us just how spiritually dependent we are on Him. We’re like a branch of a grapevine. The grapes grow on the branch because it is connected to … [Read More…] September 22: Abide in Me

FILED UNDER: Devotional

September 20: Broken Cisterns

  • September 20, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Broken Cisterns   Read: Jeremiah 2:11-13   In today’s passage, God is confronting His people, Israel, for forsaking Him and worshipping idols instead. The language is picturesque. They’ve abandoned their only true source of life-giving water in the desert. In a desert culture, water is life. If you have a spring of living water, you’ll … [Read More…] September 20: Broken Cisterns

FILED UNDER: Devotional

Feed Your Soul Through Community

  • September 19, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Each of us is more than just a body; we’re also a soul. And as our bodies need calories for nourishment, our souls need nourishment as well to live and thrive. What can satisfy our soul’s hunger?   In this passage from John 15:4-13, we’ll explore Jesus’ invitation to feed our souls through community.   … [Read More…] Feed Your Soul Through Community