Local Outreach

  • October 5, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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The Local Outreach Ministry of The Moody Church seeks to equip our congregation to reach out to our surrounding communities in different means and at various levels. We work to reach the lost ones of the world alongside our partner organizations and through our own ministries, including the Psalm 9:9 Homeless Ministry, Good News Jail … [Read More...] Local Outreach

Serve Our World

  • BY Eric Morse
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Jesus' last words on earth were, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). At The Moody Church, preaching the Good News to the lost is a primary priority. There is … [Read More...] Serve Our World

Serve Our Church

  • BY Eric Morse
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Church doesn't happen in a vacuum. It takes an army of Godly saints working side by side to make our weekly ministries possible. Like our financial offerings to the Lord, volunteering your time is a powerful expression of our commitment to the Lord and faithful stewardship. Its also an incredible way to be a part … [Read More...] Serve Our Church

Josue Reyes

  • October 4, 2017
  • BY admin
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Josue R. Reyes has served as the Hispanic Ministry Pastor since the fall of 2014. He was born into a Mexican-American family in Mexico City; he and his family moved to Texas in 1990. Josue attended the University of North Texas and graduated with a BA in Radio / Television / Film. In 1999, he … [Read More…] Josue Reyes

Jon Etes

  • October 2, 2017
  • BY Jon Huff
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Jon Etes Photo

As if being blessed with His wife Carolina wasn’t enough, the Lord has given Jon four boys who ensure he never falls victim to boredom or a good night’s sleep. He enjoys his free will in his free time. There are many books he’ll never get to, but this is not the case with meals. … [Read More…] Jon Etes

Our Organ

  • September 28, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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Reuter Organ Company opus 2076: IV/53 The Moody Church was founded by evangelist Dwight L. Moody in 1864 as the Illinois Street Mission. This congregation developed into one of Chicago’s largest interdenominational congregations. In 1908, the congregation took the name Moody Memorial Church. The present home to the church was dedicated on November 8, 1925. … [Read More...] Our Organ

139 Access

  • BY Eric Morse
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About 139 Access Ministry Do you or a loved one have a physical Disability? We at the Moody Church want to make sure that there is nothing keeping you from connecting with God and others while you are worshiping, serving or fellowshipping with us. In order to do this we have the following programs: 139 Buddies For … [Read More...] 139 Access

Moody en Espanol

  • September 27, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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El Ministerio De la Iglesia Moody en nuestro idioma. Reunion de Adoration: Domingo 10 AM (traducción) Comunidad de Estudio: Domingo 11:30 am  Conoce y sirve a Jesus  junto con nosotros. Moody En espanol es la comunidad dominical del ministerio hispano de Moody Church. En esta comunidad estudiamos y cantamos en español. Buscamos oportunidades para crecer … [Read More...] Moody en Espanol

Paul Satre

  • September 25, 2017
  • BY admin
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Paul Satre has been organist of The Moody Church since 1979, is heard regularly on The Moody Church Hour broadcast and has also played for Songs in the Night. In addition, he is Professor of Music at Trinity College in Deerfield, Illinois, where he teaches courses in piano, organ, conducting, music theory, and conducts the … [Read More…] Paul Satre

SOLA: Semper Reformanda

  • September 24, 2017
  • BY Scott Lilly
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SEMPER REFORMANDA: Always Reforming The Church is holy, then, in the sense that it is daily advancing and is not yet perfect. It makes progress from day to day, but it has not yet reached its goal of holiness. ~ John Calvin     2 Chronicles 34:14–21 While they were bringing out the money that had … [Read More...] SOLA: Semper Reformanda