Know God Through Worship

  • September 12, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Abundant life! A life rich in meaning, full of purpose, thick with substance, durable and flourishing—that’s the kind of life we all want. It’s the kind of life that deep down we know we were made for. And it’s the kind of life Jesus is offering those who will follow Him.   When Jesus says, … [Read More…] Know God Through Worship

The Journey of a Lifetime

  • September 8, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – Jesus (John 10:10) Abundant life! I don't know about you, but I like the sound of that. A life rich in meaning, full of purpose, thick with substance, durable and flourishing—that’s the kind of life I want. It’s the kind of life that … [Read More...] The Journey of a Lifetime

The Moment and the Mission

  • September 6, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

The moment we are in does not pause the mission we are on. As we look back on where we’ve come from and consider the times we are living in, this passage from John 20:19-21 gives us four powerful reminders of how to live on mission for Jesus.   Fear is always the opposite of … [Read More…] The Moment and the Mission

Find A Class

  • September 2, 2022
  • BY Jon Huff
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FALL 2024

In His Presence

  • August 29, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

How would you respond if you saw the risen Jesus face-to-face three days following the crucifixion? The disciples were notably disturbed, fearful, and shamed in this passage from John 20. Yet Jesus’ response to them was something that reverberates thousands of years later for believers today: “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent … [Read More…] In His Presence

A Song Of Confession — Psalm 51

  • August 22, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

How do we make peace with God when our sin has damaged that relationship?   In this passage from Psalm 51, written by King David, we explore five steps to the spiritual practice of confession:   The Review The Repercussions The Roots The Requests David asks God for a CLEAN heart. David asks God for … [Read More…] A Song Of Confession — Psalm 51

The Stillson Application

  • August 19, 2022
  • BY Eric Targe
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Stillson Residency Application Please Note: Applications for the 2024-25 class of Residents are due by March 1, 2024 Interviews will be conducted for 2024-25 applicants in mid-March to early-April. Applicants will receive a final decision by April 31, 2024. Info/Questions: Personal InformationName* First Last Phone*Email* Marital Status*Select OneMarriedSingleDivorcedWhere did you go/are you going to … [Read More...] The Stillson Application