March 18 COVID-19 update

  • March 18, 2020
  • BY Aimee Lilly
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    We continue to do what we can to encourage and connect with each other even while we are unable to meet together. We want you to be aware that The Moody Church is not on pause, but on mission. We are actively ministering throughout this time. To do so effectively and safely throughout … [Read More…] March 18 COVID-19 update



  • March 17, 2020
  • BY Aimee Lilly
  • no responses
Prayer at The Moody Church Nothing of enduring spiritual value happens without prayer. The whole of the Christian life is by grace through faith, which are good gifts from our Father in heaven. It’s essential that we ask, seek, and knock, as Jesus taught us: “For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks … [Read More...] Prayer

No Rehearsal March 18

  • March 15, 2020
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello Chorus Parents, I hope you are all doing well even under the ​current circumstances. If you were able to watch the service on Sunday, you will know that the Elders have agreed to cancel all Church activities this Wednesday. So there will be no Children’s Chorus on the 18th. This is the only … [Read More…] No Rehearsal March 18

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

  • March 1, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
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VANITY Qoheleth forces us to look at the brevity of life and our attempts to find meaning. He forces us to reassess our values and our pursuits.   Just as order points to an orderly Creator, just as a longing for justice points to One who is truly righteous, so does disappointment with the temporal … [Read More...] Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
FILED UNDER: Ecclesiastes

No Rehearsal Feb 5

  • February 4, 2020
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses

  Hello Parents!   This is a reminder that there is NO rehearsal this  Wednesday, February 5.  The church will be the site for the evening sessions of Moody Bible Institute’s Founders Week.  If you would like to attend or listen online you can find out more information at   Enjoy your week and … [Read More…] No Rehearsal Feb 5

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Beth Sar Shalom

  • January 30, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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Chosen People Ministries The Moody Church has the privilege of partnering with Chosen People Ministries to serve the broader Jewish population of Chicago. Chosen People exists to pray for, evangelize, disciple, and serve Jewish people everywhere and to help fellow believers do the same.   For more information about Chosen People, please visit; to learn … [Read More...] Beth Sar Shalom

The Fall

  • January 21, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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How could the great beauty of creation found in Genesis 1 so quickly turn to the ugliness of the fall in Genesis 3? The story of the fall is about believing the greatest lie ever told: that God could not be trusted. The seduction of this lie charted the course for sin to enter the … [Read More…] The Fall

Connect & Respond

  • December 31, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
worship and connection at the moody church online
If you have any spiritual needs, questions, or prayer requests, fill out the card below and we’ll respond promptly!

Holding On To Hope

  • December 3, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Amazed and Confused

Everyone faces challenges that leave us uncertain and feeling unstable. What can we hold on to during these turbulent times? In this sermon, we find learn three assurances we can grab onto in difficult situation: God will judge, God will be glorified, and God will be worshipped. When the idols of our lives are pulled … [Read More…] Holding On To Hope