My Journey

  • August 1, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
  • no responses
In this season, I prayerfully desire to grow in grace on the Journey of a Lifetime as I respond to Jesus' invitation to: Know God through worship   I will attend the Sunday service. Join The Sunday Service Feed Your Soul through community   I will be a part of a community. Join A Community Know God through worship   I will attend … [Read More...] My Journey

Teach Us To Pray

  • BY Jon Huff
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Gospel of Luke Part 4

One of the greatest privileges we have as a child of God Is the fact that we can come to God in prayer anytime, anywhere, with anything. In Christ and by the Spirit we have total, unrestricted access to the Father. But, so many of us don’t know where to start. Fortunately, we’re not the … [Read More…] Teach Us To Pray

June 2, 2024

  • May 31, 2024
  • BY Sydney Bylsma
  • no responses

Having had a front-row seat this past week to God’s amazing Gospel work throughout the continent of Europe—indeed, all around the world—at the European Leadership Forum, I cannot wait to be back with you for our Missions Week, which begins this Sunday. I’ll be preaching a message titled, “Finding Our Place in the Story.” I hope to share with … [Read More…] June 2, 2024

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip

The Training of the Twelve

  • May 14, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
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In the Book of Acts—which is the second part of Dr. Luke’s two-volume set of historical works—we find Jesus’ core disciples, the Apostles, turning the world upside down. They’re boldly preaching and going to the ends of the earth to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus!   But that’s not where they began. Before Jesus showed … [Read More…] The Training of the Twelve

May 12, 2024

  • May 10, 2024
  • BY Sydney Bylsma
  • one response
The Moody Church online in downtown Chicago. Worship services and weekly programming.

It’s Mother’s Day, and on this happy occasion, I thought I’d share a little anecdote that relates to both my Mom and The Moody Church. Some of you know that my Mom attended Moody Bible Institute in the mid-70s, and she sang in the Moody Chorale as well. She’s always had a deep love for Chicago. … [Read More…] May 12, 2024

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

In the Care of Jesus

  • May 6, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
  • no responses

Have you ever noticed that the heroes we most admire—in the books we read and in the films we watch—always combine the paradoxical traits of grit and grace?   And the paradox of those traits is important. It’s easy to be strong and grow hard and calloused. It’s easy to be sensitive and grow soft … [Read More…] In the Care of Jesus

May 5, 2024

  • May 2, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
  • one response

Have you ever noticed that the heroes we most admire—in the books we read and in the films we watch—always combine the paradoxical traits of grit and grace? They are tough and tender. They possess might and meekness. They have extraordinary strength and exceptional sensitivity.   The paradox of those traits is important. It’s easy … [Read More…] May 5, 2024

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

April 28, 2024

  • April 25, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
  • one response

Well, I missed it again. The grass turned green this week. I noticed it had happened when I took my Wednesday morning bike ride. The luscious green lawn along the lakefront was bright and beautiful. Tuesday, the grass had been dingy and dormant. But by Wednesday it had turned brilliantly green. Each year I hope … [Read More…] April 28, 2024

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

Disappointment with God

  • April 8, 2024
  • BY Jon Huff
  • no responses

  In these early days of His ministry, Jesus has been disclosing more and more of His authority and power. He’s cast out demons, forgiven sins, and most recently he’s raised the dead.   Everyone is asking the question: Who is this Jesus?   Some consider Him a healer; others think He’s a great prophet. … [Read More…] Disappointment with God