A Prisoner’s Prayer: Prescription for Spiritual Growth

  • April 1, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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How should we go about pursuing spiritual growth? In this passage, we find Paul, enchained in Rome, praying for the spiritual maturity of believers in Colossi whom he had never met. His words teach us how to lead a life pleasing to the Lord.   Colossians 1:9-12

Advancing the Gospel in Cities

  • March 27, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Missions Week 2019 Church Planting

What makes our cities celebrate and rejoice? In this passage, we find the early church scattered following great persecution. Yet even during this time, the church preached the gospel in Judea and Samaria, and it was recorded that there was great joy in those cities. Ultimately we learn that city renewal comes through the preaching … [Read More…] Advancing the Gospel in Cities

The Real Deal

  • March 11, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Everyone places their faith in something. Are you sure that what you put your faith in won’t let you down? When we put our faith in the true gospel, we find an unshakable core that will transform our lives. Gospel integrity is critical. If the gospel isn’t changing us, we are not following the real … [Read More…] The Real Deal

Palm Sunday

  • March 7, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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As we begin our new series on Jesus’ final week preceding his death at Calvary, we find Jesus on Sunday entering the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. The story teaches us how Jesus is ultimately in control and worthy of worship.   Matthew 21:1-11  

Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us, He Provides Beyond Our Expectations – The Widow of Zarephath & the Shunammite

  • March 3, 2019
  • BY Sharon Feil
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READ THE TWO ACCOUNTS 1 Kings 17: 1-24 (Zarephath) 2 Kings 4:8-37  2 Kings 8:1-6 (Shunammite)  The Kingdom of Israel is divided – each with their own king. Idol worship with all the accompanying debauchery is rampant among God’s chosen people. Still, God keeps a remnant of faithful followers. He raised up prophets, kings that … [Read More…] Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us, He Provides Beyond Our Expectations – The Widow of Zarephath & the Shunammite


Abigail – Wisdom Application

  • BY Sharon Feil
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Abigail- mom2mom Dear Abby:  I need some urgent advice regarding my wealthy husband Nabal, who is a very harsh man. He insulted David the son of Jesse, who guarded our livestock and kept our men safe while in Carmel.  He refused to share provisions with David and his men offering no appreciation for the services … [Read More…] Abigail – Wisdom Application


Psalm 22:1-21

  • BY Scott Lilly
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CRY John Calvin: There is not one of the godly who does not daily  experience in himself the same thing. According to the judgment of the flesh, he thinks he is cast off and forsaken by God, while yet he apprehends by faith the grace of God, which is hidden from the eye of sense … [Read More...] Psalm 22:1-21
FILED UNDER: Psalms of Wisdom

Psalm 21

  • BY Scott Lilly
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EXULT Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Let us, with our LORD, rejoice in salvation, as coming from God, as coming to us, as extending itself to others, and as soon to encompass all lands. We need not be afraid of too much rejoicing in this respect; this solid foundation will well sustain the loftiest edifice of joy. … [Read More...] Psalm 21
FILED UNDER: Psalms of Wisdom

Ruth & Naomi Part 2- Application

  • February 19, 2019
  • BY Sharon Feil
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The following article contains excerpts from Stanley, Charles F. “10 Ways to Detect Ungodly Counsel”. In Touch Ministries Blog. 26, Jun. 2018. https://www.intouch.org/Read/Blog/10-ways-to-detect-ungodly-counsel   The book of Ruth is once again an example of the grace of God and how His ultimate purposes outweigh man’s plans.   Today we will take a blunt view and different perspective … [Read More…] Ruth & Naomi Part 2- Application


Children’s Chorus Cancelled

  • February 3, 2019
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hello!   Due to the extreme cold weather tomorrow 1/30, the church will be closed.  That means no Children’s Chorus! We will miss singing together but hope you all will enjoy staying home and being warm. 😉   Don’t forget that there is NO rehearsal next Wednesday, February 6.  The church will be the site … [Read More…] Children’s Chorus Cancelled

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus