Is Christianity too narrow?

  • November 21, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Is Christianity too narrow? Is Christianity the only way to know God? Are there multiple paths to God and heaven?  On February 3, Pastor Michael Best will be discussing this question during our Sunday morning service at 10AM. You're invited to explore with us life's most fundamental, existential questions. We'll journey together to find meaning, … [Read More...] Is Christianity too narrow?

Why does God allow pain and suffering?

  • BY Eric Morse
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Why does God allow pain and suffering? If God exists, then why does he allow pain and suffering? On January 27, Pastor Kenny Damara will be discussing this question during our Sunday morning service at 10AM. You're invited to explore with us life's most fundamental, existential questions. We'll journey together to find meaning, purpose, and … [Read More...] Why does God allow pain and suffering?

Is there a God?

  • BY Eric Morse
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Is there a God? Does God exist? Is he knowable? Does he care about humanity? Everyone, everywhere wrestles with these questions. On January 20, Pastor Ed Stetzer will be discussing this question during our Sunday morning service at 10AM. You're invited to explore with us life's most fundamental, existential questions. We'll journey together to find … [Read More...] Is there a God?

Does life have a purpose?

  • BY Eric Morse
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Does Life Have A Purpose? What's the meaning of life? Why am I here? Everyone wrestles with these questions. On January 13, Pastor Larry McCarthy will explore this question during our Sunday morning service at 10AM. You're invited to journey with us as we investigate life's most fundamental, existential questions together in the pursuit of meaning, … [Read More...] Does life have a purpose?

Achieving Gospel Unity

  • November 19, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Diversity is something to be celebrated within the church, whether it’s generational, ethnic, socio-economic, or preferential. But what happens when diversity in the congregation leads to disunity? When the church exhibits disunity, it dishonors Christ. In this passage, we find three keys to unity within the body of Christ: embracing God’s grace, realizing our identity … [Read More…] Achieving Gospel Unity

Your Past Does Not Define You – Rahab Life Application

  • November 15, 2018
  • BY Sharon Feil
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Day after day we hear stories of victimization, violence, abuse, and bad choices which have negatively impacted people’s lives.   The stories we read in the headlines aren’t any different than the stories in God’s Word.  Rahab is on the list of women whose past could have permanently defined her.  Other women include Eve, Sarah, Bathsheba, … [Read More…] Your Past Does Not Define You – Rahab Life Application


October 2018 Update

  • November 12, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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At the October 28, 2018 Annual Meeting, Pastor Bill Bertsche spoke on behalf of the Elders to update the congregation on the status of the pastoral search. The content of this post is taken from his comments to the congregation.   At the October 2017 Annual Meeting, the Elders announced—and The Moody Church membership affirmed—their … [Read More…] October 2018 Update

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Explore God

  • November 8, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Do you wrestle with the idea of God?  Maybe you're skeptical about whether God exists or can even be known.  Maybe you're looking for meaning in a world where money, power, and sex ultimately prove meaningless.  Or maybe you're simply curious about what Christianity teaches.  In 2019, why not put the idea of God to … [Read More...] Explore God