Cast List Coming!

  • October 2, 2018
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello!   No doubt the kids have been asking about the cast list for our Christmas Musical!  So sorry to delay, but I wanted to try to give everyone a chance to audition.  If your child has not auditioned and would like to, there will be time between 4:45 and 5:15 this Wednesday or … [Read More…] Cast List Coming!

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

D.L. Moody Weekly: Heaven

  • October 1, 2018
  • BY Scott Lilly
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Heaven We have for our subject this evening, heaven. It is not as some talk about heaven, as just the air. I find a good many people now that think there is no heaven, only just here in this world; that this is all the heaven we will ever see. I talked with a man … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Heaven
FILED UNDER: D.L. Moody Weekly

Listening Links

  • September 10, 2018
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses
Listen to Our Songs! Want to hear what the Children's Chorus is working on? Here you'll find links to the songs we will be singing throughout the year.   Happy listening!   Elsa Wiese Children's Chorus Director Thanksgiving Sunday I Will Praise You, O Lord The King of LovePsalm 150Connect With Us! Name ** Email ** … [Read More...] Listening Links

Help Out

  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Get Involved! We need all sorts of help to make the Children's Chorus run smoothly!  Take a look at the list below and use the Connect With Us form below to let Elsa know how you'd like to get involved. Costume Coordinator Do you like to work with costumes?  We need someone to help us … [Read More...] Help Out

Children’s Chorus Parents

  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hi There Chorus Parents! This page was created to help you stay up to date with all that is going on in the Children's Chorus at The Moody Church.  You'll also find links to videos, recordings, and helpful documents.   Do you have a question, comment, or concern? Connect with us using the form below. … [Read More...] Children’s Chorus Parents

When Our Fears Test Our Faith

  • September 9, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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The Miracles of Jesus

How should we prepare for the moments in life when our fears test our faith? In this passage, we see the disciples struggling to cross a stormy sea in a boat. When all looks lost, Jesus appears, walking on the water. This story provides a template for us to follow when we find ourselves in … [Read More…] When Our Fears Test Our Faith

4 Reasons College-Age People Should Consider The Moody Church

  • August 24, 2018
  • BY Eric Targe
  • no responses

4 Reasons College-Age People Should Consider The Moody Church   Finding a church home can be as difficult as deciding on the best cereal in the grocery store aisle! Options abound, and it can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re a new college student moving to Chicago to start school.   As a pastor for college students, … [Read More…] 4 Reasons College-Age People Should Consider The Moody Church

FILED UNDER: Uncategorized, Crossroads

Christ Our Shepherd

  • August 12, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
The Miracles of Jesus

How does Jesus Christ the Shepherd care for his flock when He is moved by compassion? In this passage about the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, we find Jesus performing seven acts of compassion for his flock. Our response should be complete confidence in Jesus, and to reflect His compassion to others.   Mark 6:30-56