Missionary Stories

  • August 27, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
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Missionary Stories: From the Field We are blessed with 46 missionary families who are serving all over the world! From Christian education to church planting, from missional business to refugee ministry, they’re doing it all to the glory of God.   As you can see on the map below, our missionaries are located in dozens … [Read More...] Missionary Stories

Missions Strategy

  • BY Eric Morse
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Overview of Moody Church Missions While the Great Commission gives us clear instructions to share the Gospel and make disciples, HOW we go about doing that is left to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  At The Moody Church we have 3 strategic categories of focus: Sending Missionaries, Key Global Initiatives (KGIs), and Hope for … [Read More...] Missions Strategy

Online Giving – My Account

  • August 9, 2021
  • BY Jon Huff
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worship and connection at the moody church online
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Online Giving – Other

  • BY Jon Huff
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worship and connection at the moody church online
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Online Giving – General

  • August 6, 2021
  • BY Jon Huff
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worship and connection at the moody church online
Special Offering: Click here to give to Redemption ProjectGive to GeneralGive to CommunitiesGive to Other FundsMy Giving Account

The Raised

  • July 26, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
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Cognitive dissonance is the influx of intellectual disequilibrium. In other words, when your tidy framework of reality is suddenly unsettled by unexpected facts, your “mind is blown.” And suddenly, you see the world very differently.   Resurrection morning created massive cognitive dissonance for the followers of Jesus. They never saw it coming! Not only did … [Read More…] The Raised