January 2018 Update

  • January 25, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response

​The nine member pastoral search committee is excited and very engaged in the process of finding and recommending a lead teaching pastor to the elders. In the past four months, the committee has considered more than 20 individuals, reviewing resumes and listening to lots of sermons. The committee has been encouraged with the quality of … [Read More…] January 2018 Update

Debt’s Dangers

  • January 22, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

The statistics on debt in America are staggering. Not only are people finding themselves enslaved to the pursuit of money, but they are also experiencing a profound lack of contentment. How can we avoid the pitfalls that can entrap us financially and take our focus away from trusting God with our lives? How can eliminate … [Read More…] Debt’s Dangers

D.L. Moody Weekly: Behold

  • January 20, 2018
  • BY Scott Lilly
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Behold “Look with attention.” If I said, “Look and see" — how your eyes would go to the wall to see what I saw. The Lord says that to attract attention. When I am giving out a text, some of you are looking at the people around you, at some hat, or the shape of … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Behold
FILED UNDER: D.L. Moody Weekly

D.L. Moody Weekly: Trust

  • January 11, 2018
  • BY Scott Lilly
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Trust There is a passage which I like very much in the twenty-sixth chapter of Isaiah, at the third verse: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” The trouble with … [Read More...] D.L. Moody Weekly: Trust
FILED UNDER: D.L. Moody Weekly

When All Seems Lost

  • January 3, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Have you ever felt lost or abandoned? Scripture shows us that we are all helpless and lost because of sin. But God, in His great mercy, finds us in our sin and provides a way to take bring us back home. This passage in Luke shows us three incredible realities of God’s work for our … [Read More…] When All Seems Lost

Membership Resources

  • December 28, 2017
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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We're so glad you are interested in becoming a member of The Moody Church! Here you'll find many resources used in our Discover Your Church Seminar. The Moody Church Constitution Click here for an online copy of The Moody Church Constitution. Live Video Recordings Contact Us Name ** Email ** Phone NumberMessage Δ

Moody Fest

  • December 12, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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Sunday, September 15th 2024, is our church-wide picnic at The Moody Church. Come early, stay late, dress casually, and join us for a day full of fun, food, and fellowship! Please note that all of our 11:30am Communities will be set aside on September 15th. MoodyFest 11:30 in Lincoln Park (1701 N. Stockton, Grove 2) … [Read More...] Moody Fest

Right Now Media

  • BY Eric Morse
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At The Moody Church, there’s nothing more important to us than your relationship with God. That’s why we are excited to offer you an amazing gift to strengthen and encourage you spiritually. We are partnering with Right Now Media, an online streaming service offering over 25,000 Christian Bible studies, conferences, training, and children’s programs from … [Read More...] Right Now Media

Day of Prayer and Fasting

  • BY Eric Morse
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Wednesday, August 28 Please join us on August 28th for our Day of Prayer & Fasting as we dedicate ourselves and our church to the Lord’s service.   The schedule for the day:   7:00am: Start the day with an online prayer meeting, then set aside a few minutes each hour throughout the day to … [Read More...] Day of Prayer and Fasting