The Light

  • February 1, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
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In this sermon, we explore Jesus’ second “I Am” statement: “I am the light of the world.” This important metaphor helps us unpack Jesus’ true identity. Light is a theme that runs clear across the pages of Scripture, from very beginning to very end. It’s within this biblical narrative, this arc of light, that we … [Read More…] The Light

The Fruit of Being Faithless

  • BY Eric Morse
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The Bible contains many warnings about how to avoid spiritual catastrophe. In this sermon from Malachi 2:10-16, we explore three warnings for a Christian’s life.    Take God’s Word seriously: Trust your faith in God above your feelings. Take worship seriously: Worship is a response to who God is and what he has done, not a tool … [Read More…] The Fruit of Being Faithless

The Forgiver

  • January 25, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
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Few stories of Jesus are more iconic, gripping, or tender than that of the woman caught in adultery. It’s a story that’s brutally honest, a story of undeniable humanity, a story brimming with redemptive hope, and a story that reveals the forgiveness and love of Jesus in an unforgettable way.   In this sermon, we … [Read More…] The Forgiver

When Religion Becomes A Ritual

  • BY Eric Morse
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We often think of fear as something to be avoided. But in the Bible, fear is sometimes equated with reverential awe. In fact, to fear God is to rightfully respect Him. For example, fear of God brings knowledge (Proverbs 1:7), wisdom (Psalm 111:10), confidence (Proverbs 14:25), and life (Proverbs 19:23).   In this sermon from … [Read More…] When Religion Becomes A Ritual

The Galilean

  • January 19, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
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The most interesting people tend to have both consistency and creativity wedded together. This dynamic pairing is embodied by Jesus.   In this sermon, we explore six unexpected glimpses of Jesus’ personality: Unexpected Timing (vs. 1–13) Jesus is operating on His Father’s timetable. Jesus arrives precisely when He means to, not a moment too late … [Read More…] The Galilean

The Roots of Spiritual Apathy

  • January 13, 2021
  • BY Eric Morse
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Spiritual drift happens gradually. Few people wake up one day and suddenly decide to stop following God. Rather, it’s the busyness of life, even in the midst of spiritual practices, that our hearts can turn cold and cause us to wander from God. The prophet Malachi brought a strong message to God’s people who had … [Read More…] The Roots of Spiritual Apathy

Registration: Spiritual Maturity

  • January 8, 2021
  • BY Aimee Lilly
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Registration for "Spiritual Maturity through Holy Habits" Thursdays beginning January 28, 8:00 - 9:00pm via Zoom Taught by Pastor Kirk Baker   The beginning of a new year is always seen as a good time to grow and change, to pursue healthier habits. But what kind of health is the Lord nudging you toward? Join … [Read More...] Registration: Spiritual Maturity