Choir Notes 11.18.20

  • November 18, 2020
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses

Hi Choir!   Here are the notes for this week.  After you click Read More, click here.  


Thankfulness is a Superpower

  • BY Eric Morse
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Thankfulness is a regular theme we find in Scripture. It’s a “superpower” in the Christian life. But how can we do it well, at all times, in all seasons? When we put thankfulness into practice, it has a wide-ranging impact on our daily lives.   And the good news is that there are things the … [Read More…] Thankfulness is a Superpower

The Audacious

  • November 16, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
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If you hang around Jesus long enough, you’ll realize that He isn’t interested in a popularity contest. He’s not a politician, and He doesn’t play by their games. It’s one of the things that enraged the religious leaders. No matter how much pressure they put on Him, He wouldn’t back down.   In fact, this … [Read More…] The Audacious

Hebrews Intro & 1:1-4

  • November 15, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
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God has spoken Erwin Lutzer: Don't ever think that there are many ways to the Divine. Jesus is the one qualified Mediator, the only qualified Sacrifice, and the only qualified Savior.   Lesson Audio   Right Click / Save to download lesson audio: Heb1.1-4_111520 Hebrews 1:1-4 Long ago, at many times and in many … [Read More...] Hebrews Intro & 1:1-4

Grasping God’s Word: Week 8

  • BY Scott Lilly
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Thomas Watson: "The Divine Inspiration of Scripture" If the Scripture be of divine inspiration, then be exhorted:   1) To study the Scripture. Be Scripture-men, Bible-Christians. ‘I adore the fullness of Scripture,’ says Tertullian. In the Book of God are scattered many truths as so many pearls. John 5:59: ‘Search the Scriptures.’ Search as for … [Read More...] Grasping God’s Word: Week 8

The Church & Our Place in It: Week 6

  • November 12, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
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John Calvin: "The Communion of the Saints" Calvin takes as his launching point here the Apostle’s Creed, and especially the phrases the Holy, Universal Church and the Communion of the Saints. While the Reformers were often characterized as anti-establishment, they indeed took the importance of the Church, both universal and local, very seriously.   We … [Read More...] The Church & Our Place in It: Week 6

The Church & Our Place in It: Week 5

  • BY Scott Lilly
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Martin Luther: "The Marks of the Church" In On the Councils and the Church, Luther disputes (among other things) the claims that Protestant congregations cannot be true churches. While one could add to his seven marks which display a true congregation, one certainly would affirm these marks of the church as clear. I have left … [Read More...] The Church & Our Place in It: Week 5

Choir Notes 11.11.20

  • November 11, 2020
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses

Hi Choir!   Here are the notes for this week.  After you click Read More, click here.