Praying With Power

  • March 11, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Prayer is the tool that will get us through that darkest valleys of our lives. But it’s important to remember how to pray, and not to keep prayer only focused on ourselves. In this passage, we see four key characteristics of prayer in the life of a believer: we need to pray constantly, we need … [Read More…] Praying With Power

Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:11

  • March 8, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
  • no responses
MYSELF Derek Kidner: A wisp of vapor, a puff of wind, a mere breath – nothing you could get your hands on; the nearest thing to zero. That is the vanity that this book is all about. This airy nothingness is not seen as a mere flicker on the surface of things, where it might … [Read More...] Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:11
FILED UNDER: Ecclesiastes

Choir Notes 03.08.20

  • March 5, 2020
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses

Hi Choir!   Click on Read More below to access the choir notes link.   Choir Notes 03.08.20  


Timeline for Revealing the Candidate’s Identity to the Congregation

  • March 4, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • 6 responses

We want to address a common question about the search process: “When you give us two weeks’ notice of the vote, will you also give us the candidate’s name at that time?”   The short answer is no. The candidate’s name will be presented to the Congregation for the first time on the morning of … [Read More…] Timeline for Revealing the Candidate’s Identity to the Congregation

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Don’t Be Deceived

  • March 2, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
lessons from the book of James sermon series

When we experience temptation and trials, how should we respond? It’s easy to be deceived about the origin of trials and the path forward to victory. This passage calls us to refocus our minds on what God is teaching us through these experiences. It illuminates three truths that lead to an indomitable spirit in the … [Read More…] Don’t Be Deceived

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

  • March 1, 2020
  • BY Scott Lilly
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VANITY Qoheleth forces us to look at the brevity of life and our attempts to find meaning. He forces us to reassess our values and our pursuits.   Just as order points to an orderly Creator, just as a longing for justice points to One who is truly righteous, so does disappointment with the temporal … [Read More...] Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
FILED UNDER: Ecclesiastes

Choir Notes 02.26.20

  • February 27, 2020
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses

Hi Choir!   Click on Read More below to access the choir notes link.   Choir Notes 02.26.20  


Visitor Survey

  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Thank you for visiting The Moody Church! We hope that you enjoyed your time with us and connected with God and others in a meaningful way. But we also know that there are things we can do better. Your brief participation in this survey will help us improve our weekly experiences. Which service did you … [Read More...] Visitor Survey

Standing Firm

  • February 25, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Invisible spiritual forces are battling against our hearts to distract us from our Christian faith. In sermon, we learn three reasons why we can stand firm against spiritual attack as followers of Jesus. First, we are empowered by God and can rely on His strength to get us through the spiritual difficulties of life. Second, … [Read More…] Standing Firm

How To Handle Temptation

  • February 24, 2020
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
lessons from the book of James sermon series

Suffering and trials are a part of life. What are we to do? In this sermon, we learn three keys to overcoming trials: keep our eyes on the prize, never blame God, and purify our desires. For those who overcome, they will receive the crown of life as their reward.   James 1:12-15