The Damage of Self-Deception

  • June 27, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Seven Woes

The easiest person to deceive is often ourselves. How can we avoid this? In this sermon, we find Jesus offering advice on how to navigate self deception tendencies in our own lives. Three lessons to take away: ask God to search your heart, listen to reproof from others, and read and apply the truth.   … [Read More…] The Damage of Self-Deception

The Dangers of Legalism

  • June 24, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Why is legalism so dangerous to our spiritual health? Legalism is believing that we can earn or keep favor with God by what we do. It flows from the failure to be humbled, broken, amazed, and satisfied by the grace of God in Christ. In this sermon, we learn about three dangers of legalism to … [Read More…] The Dangers of Legalism

Galatians 3:15-20

  • June 23, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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The Gospel & The Promise A.W. Tozer: Grace is the good pleasure of God that inclines Him to bestow benefits upon the undeserving. Its use to us sinful men is to save us and make us sit together in heavenly places to demonstrate to the ages the exceeding riches of God’s kindness to us in … [Read More...] Galatians 3:15-20
FILED UNDER: Galatians


  • June 20, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Ways to Give GIVE ONLINE Giving online is easy as a member or a guest.  We also offer easy automatic giving options through our online portal. Click the GIVE ONLINE button above to begin an online gift as a member, or click here for guest giving without creating an account. Got questions about online giving? … [Read More...] Giving

Galatians 3:7-14

  • June 16, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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The Gospel & The Curse Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Away with your accursed and idolatrous dependence upon yourself; Christ has finished salvation-work, altogether finished it. Hold not up your rags in competition with his fair white linen: Christ has borne the curse; bring not your pitiful penances to mingle with the precious fountain flowing with his … [Read More...] Galatians 3:7-14
FILED UNDER: Galatians

Avoiding Contamination

  • June 14, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Seven Woes

Small contaminations can lead to enormous consequences. How do we avoid spiritual contamination? In this passage, Jesus teaches us how to retain our spiritual purity. Three attitudes in our lives lead to moral contamination: we compare of our lives to others, we conform our minds to the world, and we allow cynicism to reign in … [Read More…] Avoiding Contamination

Galatians 3:1-6

  • June 9, 2019
  • BY Scott Lilly
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The Gospel & The Spirit Harry Ironside: If Christ has actually given Himself for me it is because it was impossible for me to do one thing to save myself. Because I could not fit myself for the presence of God, because I could not cleanse my heart from sin, because no work of righteousness … [Read More...] Galatians 3:1-6
FILED UNDER: Galatians

Avoiding Contamination

  • June 6, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses
Seven Woes

How do we avoid hypocrisy in our lives? We are prone to put on masks that show other people a false side of ourselves, to the detriment of our faith. Hypocrisy is all about advancing our own causes and interests. Jesus calls us to put away external hypocrisy and focus on our internal spiritual health: … [Read More…] Avoiding Contamination

Captivated By Christ

  • June 4, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

How do we overcome the temptation to put our hope in things that don’t satisfy? When we look for fulfillment outside of Christ, we find emptiness. But if we are captivated with Jesus, we will find true satisfaction for our deepest desires.   Colossians 2:8-12