Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us: He Offers Salvation to the Rejected One – Samaritan Woman

  • March 22, 2019
  • BY Sharon Feil
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Samaritan Woman  READ John 4: 1-42 Read John 4:1-3 What was the reason given for Jesus traveling through Samaria?   What would be the significance of him stopping in Sychar?    Read Vs. 4-5. What is noted about Jesus physical condition? What time of day might it have been?    Read vs.7-15. Why was this … [Read More…] Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us: He Offers Salvation to the Rejected One – Samaritan Woman


Widow of Zarephath & Shunammite Woman – Application

  • March 19, 2019
  • BY Sharon Feil
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Mom2Moms- The Widow of Zarephath, I Kings 17:8-24 We can glean many truths from the story of Elisha and the Widow of Zarephath; obedience, faith to believe, miracles, salvation, the power of God, and sacrifice  just to name a few.  Today’s application will focus on: Little things can make a big difference. God used a … [Read More…] Widow of Zarephath & Shunammite Woman – Application


The Vine And The Branches

  • BY Eric Morse
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Missions Week 2019 Church Planting

Pastor Paco Amador, New Life Community Church in Little Village, challenges us to think about our role in missions to the city of Chicago. We learn about the parable of the vine and branches; and we are invited to hunger for the pruning of knife of God in our lives. Fruit in our lives follows … [Read More…] The Vine And The Branches

Breaking Through Ceilings

  • March 18, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Missions Week 2019 Church Planting

When we feel stuck in our spiritual life, what should we do to break new ceilings? In this sermon, Dr. Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute, challenges us with four key characteristics of people that push through the spiritual status quo. People who break through spiritual ceilings are able to: discern the times and … [Read More…] Breaking Through Ceilings

Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us, He Provides Beyond Our Expectations – The Widow of Zarephath & the Shunammite

  • March 3, 2019
  • BY Sharon Feil
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READ THE TWO ACCOUNTS 1 Kings 17: 1-24 (Zarephath) 2 Kings 4:8-37  2 Kings 8:1-6 (Shunammite)  The Kingdom of Israel is divided – each with their own king. Idol worship with all the accompanying debauchery is rampant among God’s chosen people. Still, God keeps a remnant of faithful followers. He raised up prophets, kings that … [Read More…] Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us, He Provides Beyond Our Expectations – The Widow of Zarephath & the Shunammite


Abigail – Wisdom Application

  • BY Sharon Feil
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Abigail- mom2mom Dear Abby:  I need some urgent advice regarding my wealthy husband Nabal, who is a very harsh man. He insulted David the son of Jesse, who guarded our livestock and kept our men safe while in Carmel.  He refused to share provisions with David and his men offering no appreciation for the services … [Read More…] Abigail – Wisdom Application


Can I Know God Personally?

  • February 28, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Can we know God personally? In this message, Pastor Eric describes what a relationship with God looks like. We can know God, but perhaps more amazing to consider is that God wants to know us too. God invites us into relationship. And it’s all possible because what Jesus did for us.   Additional resources on … [Read More…] Can I Know God Personally?


  • February 26, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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Read and Download The latest version of The Moody Church constitution was updated and approved by the Congregation on April 24, 2022.   To read our doctrinal beliefs, membership guidelines, and bylaws, please click the link below to download your copy of our Constitution. DOWNLOAD CHURCH CONSTITUTION Questions about the Constitution? Name ** Email ** … [Read More...] Constitution

Can I Know God Personally?

  • February 25, 2019
  • BY Eric Morse
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If God exists, can I know Him? What would that relationship look like? In this sermon, Pastor Ed describes how we were created by God to know Him personally, but separated from God by sin. Yet God provided a way for us to be adopted by God into a personal relationship with Him through faith … [Read More…] Can I Know God Personally?

Abigail – Because of God’s Great Love for Us, He Gives Wisdom & Courage

  • February 22, 2019
  • BY Sharon Feil
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  Abigail David had been anointed king by Samuel but King Saul was still on the throne and pursuing David to kill him.  God protected David through the help of Jonathan, Michal, Samuel, Ahimilech, and Achish. On the other hand, though David has done nothing wrong, he was threatened and betrayed by Saul, the Philistines, … [Read More…] Abigail – Because of God’s Great Love for Us, He Gives Wisdom & Courage