Breaking the Silence

  • November 20, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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In the Gospel of Luke, we encounter a King like no other. Most kings make it about themselves. They wield power, authority, and strength for their own benefit. But not Jesus.   Jesus is the King who came to serve.  He laid down all His rights and privileges in love to rescue us.  From His … [Read More…] Breaking the Silence

Reminder for singing on Nov. 19

  • November 18, 2023
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello Chorus Parents, As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning! There are a couple of things to note below: Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am in Christiansen (where you check in on Wednesdays) to check-in. Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and tights … [Read More...] Reminder for singing on Nov. 19
FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Singing on November 19

  • November 13, 2023
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses
  Hello Children's Choir Parents! We are excited about singing in the service this coming Sunday, November 19. The choir kids have been working hard and we are looking forward to worshiping with you. A few reminders: Dress Code is white on top and black on the bottom. Girls can wear skirts and tights or pants … [Read More...] Singing on November 19
FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Stop It!

  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

The troubles of this world can be heavy to bear. The future is uncertain, and the present is filled with difficulty and pain. How are we supposed to navigate this all by ourselves?   In this sermon from John 14, Pastor McCarthy shares with us a simple message: Stop It!   Stop running on the … [Read More…] Stop It!

Awaiting the Dawn

  • November 6, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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This final sermon from the book of Malachi is about hope. Hope is something we can’t live without. Hope gives us reason to endure. Hope lifts our eyes beyond the shadows to the dawning of the light.   And as the Book of Malachi draws to a close, it ends with a wonderous vision of … [Read More…] Awaiting the Dawn

November 2023 Stewardship Letter

  • November 1, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • no responses

Dear Moody Church Family,   Scripture teaches that money can be a tool for human flourishing when used appropriately. It also warns us of the spiritual bondage that can happen when our hearts become consumed by money.   Cultivating a heart of generosity will radically shape your worldview. Jesus taught us to give ourselves away … [Read More…] November 2023 Stewardship Letter

FILED UNDER: Stewardship Letter

Faltering Faith

  • October 30, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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In this sermon, we explore the 6th and final dispute between God and the people of Israel. Previously, God was pouring out His heart in an appeal to the people to “test me in this” so that He would pour our His blessing on them, and to “return to me, and I will return to … [Read More…] Faltering Faith

God’s Perspective and Our Anxiety

  • October 23, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Single Sermon Message from The Moody Church

We live in anxious times; it’s a world of worry out there. Are you struggling to sleep at night due to anxiety? Are you fearful of what may happen in the future? Psalm 127:1–2 is a beautiful reminder of how God’s beloved children can find peace from a world full of worry.   In this … [Read More…] God’s Perspective and Our Anxiety

First Choreography Rehearsal

  • October 20, 2023
  • BY Elsa Wiese
  • no responses
      Hello! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall days we are having. What a blessing to be outside during the changing seasons. :) I wanted to remind you that we have a choreography rehearsal this Sunday from 12:30-2:30pm and then those with large roles will stay until 3:30pm. Children who need … [Read More...] First Choreography Rehearsal
FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus
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