The Scandal of Grace

  • November 21, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Today we come to the fourth and final chapter in the Book of Jonah.   It all began when God called Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, and Jonah flatly disobeyed, heading nearly 3,000 miles in the opposite direction aboard a ship to Tarshish. And just when he thought he’d gotten away, God hurled a … [Read More…] The Scandal of Grace

The God of Second Chances

  • November 14, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Sometimes people get the impression that in the Old Testament God is full of wrath, whereas in the New Testament He is full of love, compassion, and mercy.   It’s understandable why that impression could be formed. After all, the Old Testament contains major moments of judgment like the Flood, the Plagues, and the Exile, … [Read More…] The God of Second Chances

October 23, 2022

  • October 20, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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  If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to Change Your World through Mission, there’s a perfect opportunity coming this Saturday as we’re gearing up for Fall Fest! It’s a perfect onramp to invite your friends and neighbors to experience The Moody Church family. And it’s a wonderful opportunity for each of us to join … [Read More…] October 23, 2022

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October 2022 Stewardship Letter

  • October 14, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Dear Moody Church Family Member,   Do you aspire to greatness? Or maybe you feel like you lack the talent or opportunity to achieve greatness? In Matthew 20:26-28, Jesus teaches us that those who aspire to greatness must become servants. As you explore your next steps along The Journey of a Lifetime, please consider joining … [Read More…] October 2022 Stewardship Letter

FILED UNDER: Stewardship Letter

September 25, 2022

  • September 23, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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  Have you ever walked into a new gym and felt totally lost? There’s so much equipment for so many different styles of fitness. Where to start? And everyone is so passionate about their workout routine! “You’ve got to try swimming, it’s the best!” “Cycling is where it’s at!” “Once you start weightlifting, you’ll never … [Read More…] September 25, 2022

FILED UNDER: From Pastor Philip TAGGED WITH: Tags:

September 21: Bread from Heaven

  • September 21, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Bread from Heaven   Read: John 6:32-40   Jesus had just fed five thousand people in the desert with the bread and fish He multiplied from a boy’s lunch. The people were amazed. No one since Moses had given them bread in the wilderness like this. They felt they’d hit the jackpot! If Jesus could … [Read More…] September 21: Bread from Heaven

FILED UNDER: Devotional

September 20: Broken Cisterns

  • September 20, 2022
  • BY Eric Morse
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Broken Cisterns   Read: Jeremiah 2:11-13   In today’s passage, God is confronting His people, Israel, for forsaking Him and worshipping idols instead. The language is picturesque. They’ve abandoned their only true source of life-giving water in the desert. In a desert culture, water is life. If you have a spring of living water, you’ll … [Read More…] September 20: Broken Cisterns

FILED UNDER: Devotional
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