Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us, He Raises Up Leadership in Conflict – Deborah

  • November 15, 2018
  • BY Sharon Feil
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A woman as a judge of Israel!? Some commentators suggest that God chose Deborah as a kind of “plan B” because the right man wasn’t to be found. But our sovereign God’s plan never needs an alternate, or second choice. His will is always done! Let’s see how a woman was chosen to lead God’s … [Read More…] Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us, He Raises Up Leadership in Conflict – Deborah


Your Past Does Not Define You – Rahab Life Application

  • BY Sharon Feil
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Day after day we hear stories of victimization, violence, abuse, and bad choices which have negatively impacted people’s lives.   The stories we read in the headlines aren’t any different than the stories in God’s Word.  Rahab is on the list of women whose past could have permanently defined her.  Other women include Eve, Sarah, Bathsheba, … [Read More…] Your Past Does Not Define You – Rahab Life Application


Singing This Sunday!

  • November 12, 2018
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hello Chorus Parents,   As you know, the Children’s Chorus is singing this Sunday morning as a part of our Thanksgiving Festival Sunday! There are a couple things to note below:   Please arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am and check-in at Christiansen. Uniform is the red chorus shirt and black bottoms. Girls can wear skirts … [Read More…] Singing This Sunday!

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Trusting the Bible

  • BY Eric Morse
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The Moody Church’s 2015 Fall Conference, Trusting the Bible in a Skeptical World, explored some of the most challenging questions raised by Christians and non-Christians alike.   The Bible is full of mistakes and contradictions. The Bible has been through so many translations, how can you believe they all got it right? The Bible endorses genocide, slavery, homophobia, … [Read More...] Trusting the Bible

Shaking in His Sandals

  • November 11, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Legacy Sunday Night Service

Life is full of things that bring fear into our lives. If we don’t know how to handle fear, it can stop us in our tracks. How should we respond to fear? In this passage, we learn from the life of Jacob how to approach fear.   Genesis 32:1-21

Solos & Shirts

  • November 10, 2018
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hello Chorus Parents!   I hope you are having a great weekend! I got caught up on Wednesday night and did not email the solo assignments like I said I would – so sorry!  The assignments are attached.   Did you know that we have a wonderful webpage with a TON of helpful resources for … [Read More…] Solos & Shirts

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us He: Rescues Those Who Fear Him – RAHAB Nov. 15th Lesson

  • November 5, 2018
  • BY Sharon Feil
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Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us He: Rescues Those Who Fear Him – RAHAB Joshua 2   Joshua 3:4   Joshua 6:17-25 Matthew 1:15   Hebrews 11:31   James 2:25 Rahab is the perfect picture of God’s grace & love to Israel and us. She was a gentile; chosen by Him, sanctified by Him, saved by Him, loved by … [Read More…] Because of God’s Steadfast Love for Us He: Rescues Those Who Fear Him – RAHAB Nov. 15th Lesson


Zelophehad’s Daughters – Life Application

  • BY Sharon Feil
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When Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah stood before Moses, Eleazar the Priest, the chiefs, and the entire congregation, they demonstrated brave character.  They were wise as they spoke in the precise moment the decision was issued.  They knew the law, interpreting they would not receive the land inheritance.  They were pious choosing to obey … [Read More…] Zelophehad’s Daughters – Life Application