Lot’s Wife – God Warns Us of Danger – Life Application

  • October 12, 2018
  • BY Sharon Feil
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Lot’s Wife- Mom2Mom 2018 Excerpts taken from: Morse, Greg. “From Flight to Fight, How Christians Struggle with Sin.” Desiring God, 5 Sept. 2016 www.desiringgod.org/articles/from-flight-to-fight. Lot and his wife were instructed to flee to escape from sin.  Joseph fled from the advances of Potiphar’s wife.  In 2 Tim 2:22 it says, “Flee youthful passions and pursue … [Read More…] Lot’s Wife – God Warns Us of Danger – Life Application


The Blessing Thief

  • October 7, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Legacy Sunday Night Service

When we do whatever it takes to get what we want, there are often consequences. In this passage, we see Jacob stealing Isaac’s blessing from Esau. We learn that we can’t let life’s disappointments excuse disobedience.   Genesis 27:1-28:9

Lot’s Wife – God Warns Us of Danger Oct. 11 Lesson

  • October 4, 2018
  • BY Sharon Feil
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Because of God’s Great Love for Us, He Warns Us of Danger Lot’s Wife We issue warnings to our children every day. Sometimes they heed the warnings, and at other times, they ignore them.  How do we respond when God warns us of impending danger?  Lot’s wife received many warnings.  Let’s look at how she … [Read More…] Lot’s Wife – God Warns Us of Danger Oct. 11 Lesson


Hagar – God Sees & Hears – Life Application

  • BY Sharon Feil
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  Hagar Disobedience: Abraham and Sarah went to Egypt Deception about Sarah being Abraham’s sister Pharaoh gave the gift of Hagar a female servant Sarah takes matter into her own hands, and gives Abraham Hagar to have a child Abraham goes along with the plan Now we have a fractured family plunging into conflicting loyalties … [Read More…] Hagar – God Sees & Hears – Life Application


Cast List Here!

  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello!   We just finished our first month of Children’s Chorus – hard to believe, isn’t it?  We’ve been having a great time meeting new friends, learning new songs, and talking about God together.  I hope your kids are enjoying it as much as I am! ?   There’s a lot going on for … [Read More…] Cast List Here!

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Cast List Coming!

  • October 2, 2018
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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  Hello!   No doubt the kids have been asking about the cast list for our Christmas Musical!  So sorry to delay, but I wanted to try to give everyone a chance to audition.  If your child has not auditioned and would like to, there will be time between 4:45 and 5:15 this Wednesday or … [Read More…] Cast List Coming!

FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Stop Flying Solo

  • October 1, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Why do we need to commit to corporate worship in a local church? In this passage, we learn about the value of community to the early church.  We see that we don’t need another sermon podcast or Spotify playlist, both common signs of modern church-goers. We need community; it’s not just an optional thing for … [Read More…] Stop Flying Solo

The Spirit Empowered Church

  • September 24, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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What powerful gift did God give the church? In this passage, we see 4 ways that God empowers the church through the Holy Spirit to carry out His mission. The result is an unstoppable church fully equipped to build the Kingdom of God.   Acts 2:1-41

Like Father Like Son

  • September 23, 2018
  • BY Eric Morse
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Legacy Sunday Night Service

It’s been said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. How is our faith shaped by those closest and most influential to us? In this passage, we see Isaac’s faith being tested, and his response is very similar to that of his father, Abraham. The legacy of faith and its blessings is often passed down … [Read More…] Like Father Like Son