Robbing God

  • October 16, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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What does the Bible say about money and possession? There are approximately 2,350 passages about those topics in Scripture. By contrast, faith and prayer receive about 500 passages each. So, the Bible talks about money and possessions more than twice as much as the topics of faith and prayer combined.   Now, why would that … [Read More…] Robbing God

Relinquishing Righteousness

  • October 9, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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One the of hardest moments for those of us who are trying to live God’s way comes when those who couldn’t care less about God’s way end up coming out ahead in life. What’s the point in righteous living, if the unrighteous are the ones getting ahead in life?   That’s exactly where God’s people … [Read More…] Relinquishing Righteousness

October 2023 Stewardship Letter

  • October 6, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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Dear Moody Church Family,   In Matthew 20:26–28, Jesus teaches that those who aspire to greatness must become servants. We have all been given time, talent, and treasure to steward for God’s kingdom. While we often think of stewardship as a financial responsibility, Jesus also calls us to use our time and talent to impact … [Read More…] October 2023 Stewardship Letter

FILED UNDER: Stewardship Letter

Abandoning Covenants

  • October 2, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment in all the Law and the Prophets was, He gave a two-fold answer: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, AND love your neighbor as yourself.”   Because if we love God rightly, we will love our neighbor; and a failure … [Read More…] Abandoning Covenants

Christmas Musical Things

  • September 26, 2023
  • BY Elsa Wiese
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Hello, Children's Chorus Parents! We're having a great time meeting each week and singing together. It has been such a blessing to me and our team to get to know each one of our choir members and we are looking forward to the year ahead. There are a couple of things coming up that I … [Read More...] Christmas Musical Things
FILED UNDER: Children's Chorus

Misleading Ministers

  • September 25, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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The slide into spiritual disintegration doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a steady slide over time.   Have you ever wondered how the priests and teachers of the law got so far off spiritually that they couldn’t even see their Messiah, the Son of God, when He was standing right there in front of them?   The … [Read More…] Misleading Ministers

Withholding in Worship

  • September 18, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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The Book of Malachi is full of warnings that seem harsh at first but are actually filled with loving-concern to pull God’s people back from the edge of danger.   Because although the people of Israel had come back from the exile eager to rededicate themselves to God, it wasn’t long before their fervor began … [Read More…] Withholding in Worship

Doubting God’s Love

  • September 11, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
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The central theme of the book Malachi is found in 3:7, “Return to Me and I will return to you.” As people whose hearts are prone to wander, whose religion can become performance, we need the message of Malachi to comprehend God’s tough love and tender mercies for our doubting hearts.   There are six … [Read More…] Doubting God’s Love


  • September 7, 2023
  • BY admin
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Jesus intends that His followers become “fishers of men.” It’s a metaphor, playing on the previous occupation of many of Jesus’ first disciples who were in fact fishermen. Jesus was speaking to their—and our —newfound purpose in life. Jesus is calling us to join Him in His rescue mission of bringing abundant life to the … [Read More...] Missions

Journey of a Lifetime

  • BY admin
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Jesus is inviting you on The Journey of a Lifetime to know God, feed your soul, grow in love, and change your world. It's a spiritual journey of abundant life—the life you and I were made for—and it all starts when we respond to Jesus' invitation to follow Him.   So, what's your next step? … [Read More...] Journey of a Lifetime
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