By The Hand Club For Kids

  • October 5, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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By The Hand Club For Kids™ is a Christ-centered after-school program serving children in four of Chicago’s most under-resourced neighborhoods: Cabrini-Green, Altgeld Gardens, Englewood, and Austin. Volunteers are needed Tuesdays through Thursdays in the afternoon and early evening to help children with their homework, teach enrichment classes, serve in the kitchen and more. By The … [Read More...] By The Hand Club For Kids

Hope for Kids: Volunteer

  • BY Eric Morse
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Volunteer OpportunitiesSafe Families For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in. -Matthew 25:35   Motivated by biblical hospitality, Safe Families gives hope and support to families in distress by creating extended family-like support through a community of devoted … [Read More...] Hope for Kids: Volunteer

Hope for Kids: Programs

  • BY Eric Morse
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Partners Living With Hope addresses a critical physical and spiritual need by providing mobility devices to people with disabilities in Africa.   It is estimated that 35 million people in Africa live with disabilities and require a wheelchair, but most do not have access to one. Due to their lack of mobility, people with disabilities … [Read More...] Hope for Kids: Programs

Hope for Kids

  • BY Eric Morse
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The Moody Church has a long history of loving and advocating for children at risk. D.L. Moody’s work with street children in some of Chicago’s worst neighborhoods originally launched the church as children and their parents came to know the Lord.   Hope For Kids, part of The Moody Church missions program, continues the same … [Read More...] Hope for Kids

Mark Pirrie

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As Pastor for Community Life, Mark is responsible for helping The Moody Church members catch a vision for what it would be like to live a totally God-centered life and for getting people connected into nurturing relationships that promote a God-centered life. His main responsibilities include TMC Communities and Small Groups. He also helps to … [Read More…] Mark Pirrie

Philip Teams

  • BY Eric Morse
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About The Moody Church Philip Teams currently consists of seven active ministries that are staffed entirely by volunteers and overseen by a full-time ministry director. Volunteers come from all walks of life, love God, and have a desire to serve Him. The ability to demonstrate godly hospitality is all that is required to fill one … [Read More...] Philip Teams

Serve Our City

  • BY Eric Morse
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Chicago is an amazing city; the history, architecture, and culture are rich blessings for those of us able to call it home. But its also a place of incredible brokenness, a place in need of healing and restoration available only through Jesus Christ. How can you get involved in being the hands and feet of … [Read More...] Serve Our City

Fusion Fellowship Events

  • October 3, 2017
  • BY Aimee Lilly
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Fellowship Events “…with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” ~ Ephesians 4:2-3   One important part of Fusion is our fellowship events, when we spend time having fun together as we get to know each other. … [Read More...] Fusion Fellowship Events

Tim Stafford

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Tim Stafford has been on the music ministry staff at The Moody Church since 2001, serving as the Pastor of Music Ministries since September 2008. He is also an adjunct faculty member of Moody Bible Institute in the Sacred Music Department. He graduated with a sacred music degree from MBI in 2001 and completed a … [Read More…] Tim Stafford


  • BY Eric Morse
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Fusion MinistriesTweet “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” ~1 Peter 4:10 In Fusion, people of all ages and backgrounds come together to pursue spiritual maturity, biblical diversity, and genuine community. Our ministries are designed to help you connect with others, whether in fellowship, in prayer, … [Read More...] Ministries