Daring Faith

  • October 3, 2017
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Abram found himself journeying back to the promised land from Egypt. Upon his return to the land, he displays three attributes of daring faith. First, Abram shows that daring faith is a faith that repents. Just as he turned around and went back to God, so should when we find our lives in sin. Second, … [Read More…] Daring Faith

When Sinning Seems to Make Sense

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Abram entered the promised land, yet soon after famine arrived. He traveled with his family down to Egypt, but there he lied about the identity of his wife to protect himself. This passage shows us three characteristics of sin. First, sin often looks appealing, as Abram was actually blessed in the short-term. Second, sin always … [Read More…] When Sinning Seems to Make Sense

An Unbelievable Promise

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After sin entered the world, things seemed to be spiraling down. In the midst of that darkness, God appeared to Abram, and made some astounding promises. He promised to give Abram land, that he would have a large family, and that he would be blessed and bless others. We see in this passage that God’s … [Read More…] An Unbelievable Promise

Bill Van Tuinen

  • BY Eric Morse
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Bill joined the staff of The Moody Church in the summer of 2019 to give leadership to the Global Outreach and Stewardship ministries.  In these roles, Bill leads The Moody Church’s efforts to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations in fulfillment of the Great Commission. He is also responsible for helping God’s … [Read More…] Bill Van Tuinen

Michele Forrider

  • October 1, 2017
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Michele Forrider serves as the Director of Children’s Ministry. After serving in TMC Kids for many years, God opened a door to ministry and clearly called Michele to serve Him at The Moody Church in December 2016. In this role, Michele provides vision, direction, and oversight for the various children’s ministries from birth through fifth grade. … [Read More…] Michele Forrider

Simone Halpin

  • September 30, 2017
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Simone Halpin is the Executive Director and co-founder of Naomi’s House. Naomi’s House (NH) began in 2016 after years of preparing and researching the best way to serve Survivors of commercial sexual exploitation. The field to offer Survivors the best resources with trauma-informed, comprehensive, and faith-based services was narrow. NH created a model over five … [Read More…] Simone Halpin

Ron Ingram

  • September 29, 2017
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Ron began attending The Moody Church in 2001 and began staff ministry work at the church in October of 2008. Prior to assuming staff responsibilities, he served as a volunteer in this same ministry. Education credits include an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Education and a Master of Science Degree in Human … [Read More…] Ron Ingram

Artist Circle

  • September 28, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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If you are involved in visual arts or performance arts of any kind and would like to meet other artists in the church, we'd love to hear from you. Connect with us below. Leadership: Tim Stafford Connect with Us! Name ** Email ** Phone NumberMessage* Δ


  • BY Eric Morse
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A Sound for All Seasons Our joyful noise takes many forms: vocal and instrumental, classical and modern, solemn and exuberant.   The highlights of our music ministry calendar are three annual events with the Sanctuary Choir and Festival Orchestra: the Christmas Concert, Resurrection Sunday Service, and the Independence Day Concert. The Sanctuary Choir is also featured … [Read More...] Recordings

Our Rich History

  • BY Eric Morse
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In the Beginning, There Was Music... More than one hundred years ago, D.L. Moody began a life of missionary work by bringing children in Chicago to his newly created independent Sunday School. Music was one of the first ways Moody communicated with “his” children, who lived to sing. He used psalms, hymns and spiritual songs … [Read More...] Our Rich History