Join the Music Ministry

  • September 28, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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Opportunities to Serve in the Music Ministry Adult Choir Rehearses Wednesdays 6:45pm-8:30pm and scheduled Sundays 9:00am. Open to adult volunteers of various skill levels and musical backgrounds, the Adult Choir sings regularly in Sunday morning services and is the featured ensemble for our annual Christmas Concert. Children's Chorus Rehearses Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm. Registration is open for … [Read More...] Join the Music Ministry

Music Ministry

  • BY Eric Morse
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Music plays a vital role in our church’s worship, discipleship, and outreach. We want our worship services to be Christ-exalting, transformational, and display the unity of the Spirit. We strive for a balanced array of music that includes ancient and modern, eloquent and simple, familiar and new. Sharing our artistic gifts helps us cultivate a culture … [Read More...] Music Ministry

139 Friends Volunteers

  • BY Eric Morse
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Volunteering with 139 Want to be a 139 Volunteer? 139 is in need of volunteers for the following programs: TMC Kids Co-Laborers Community (Adults with IDD Discipleship Class) Friends Night (Special Events/Community Outreach) Braille Transcription Access Ministry In order to serve in these ministries, we ask that all of our volunteers attend a 139 Buddy … [Read More...] 139 Friends Volunteers

139 Blind

  • BY Eric Morse
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About our Blind Ministry Do you have a loved one who is blind or are you yourself blind or vision impaired? The Moody Church is seeking ways to connect with ministries for those who are blind and vision impaired to help those with visual disabilities to connect with God and others. Service in Braille If … [Read More...] 139 Blind

Deaf Ministry at The Moody Church

  • BY Eric Morse
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Are you Deaf or Hard of Hearing? At The Moody Church, we know and believe that the Deaf are fearfully and wonderfully made and desire that the Gospel be clearly communicated to everyone, no matter what language they use. Sunday Morning Service Join us for our 10:00AM Sunday Morning Service interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) for the Deaf … [Read More...] Deaf Ministry at The Moody Church

139 Friends

  • BY Eric Morse
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About 139 Friends 139 Friends seeks to eliminate barriers that inhibit those affected by Developmental And Intellectual Disabilities (DD/ID) from hearing the gospel, and enable our brothers and sisters with DD/ID to use their spiritual gifts so that they may share the good news of Jesus’ love with each other, the body of Christ, and … [Read More...] 139 Friends

139 Disability Ministry

  • September 27, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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The name “139” refers to Psalm 139 where David writes, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” We, at the Moody Church, firmly believe that God made us all wonderfully, and that those with disabilities show us God’s … [Read More...] 139 Disability Ministry

College and University

  • BY Eric Morse
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Crossroads Crossroads is made up of college-age people from campuses and neighborhoods all throughout Chicago. We meet Sunday mornings from 11:30am to 12:30pm in room 303. Learn More International Students & Scholars The International Students and Scholars Ministry is unique in that it is designed to reach out to not only students and scholars who … [Read More...] College and University

All Walks of Life

  • BY Eric Morse
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Watch Sunday Night Service sermons.
Our communities for All Walks of Life welcome everyone regardless of age or marital status. We are diverse groups from a variety of backgrounds coming together for a common purpose: to know God and to enjoy Him. Find one that suits you today! Apply the Message Fourth Watch Fusion Impact In Focus Light and Life Questions about where to … [Read More...] All Walks of Life

Compassion Ministries

  • BY Eric Morse
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About The Compassion Ministries of The Moody Church seek to minister the love of Christ to those in need of God’s mercy.  Whether through visiting the sick and shut-in, assisting widows with maintenance needs, or helping those experiencing divorce, separation, or loss, we seek to share God’s love and grace to those who are hurting.   … [Read More...] Compassion Ministries