Michael Arman

  • September 12, 2017
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Michael Arman joined The Moody Church staff in 2005. Serving as Audio/Visual Coordinator, Mike oversees the technical production for Sunday services, conferences and other meetings. After graduating from Moody Bible Institute in 1995 with a BA in Electronic Media, Mike served for 10 years as a production specialist for MBI. Mike and his wife Charlotte … [Read More…] Michael Arman

Sydney Georgia

  • BY Eric Morse
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As Communications Assistant, Sydney supervises the internal and external communications at The Moody Church. When she felt the call to ministry, she moved to Chicago from Michigan to study Communications at the Moody Bible Institute and quickly began attending The Moody Church. She and her husband Evan enjoy exploring the city and spending time with … [Read More…] Sydney Georgia

Kristian Chelstrom

  • September 11, 2017
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Kristian Chelstrom has been attending The Moody Church since coming to Chicago for seminary in September 2010. He graduated with a M.Div. in Pastoral Studies from Moody Theological Seminary in December 2013, and also has a background in mechanical engineering.  Finding an opportunity to gain additional experience in family ministry, he became an assistant to … [Read More…] Kristian Chelstrom

Richard Hasse

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Richard has been attending The Moody Church with his wife, Margaret, since 2000.  Originally from Oak Forest, IL, he has over 35 years of experience in the construction industry, with over 25 years of experience as a General Contractor. In November 2014, Richard joined the church staff as Facilities Coordinator, and transitioned to Facilities Director … [Read More…] Richard Hasse

SOLA: Priesthood of the Believer

  • September 10, 2017
  • BY Scott Lilly
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Priesthood of the Believer I defy the pope and all his laws. If God spare my life, ere many years, I will cause the boy that driveth a plow shall know more of Scripture than thou doest. ~ William Tyndale     Exodus 19:1-6 On the third new moon after the people of Israel had gone out … [Read More...] SOLA: Priesthood of the Believer

Kent Schmidt

  • September 9, 2017
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Kent Schmidt is Director of Finance and Administration for The Moody Church. He oversees contributions, payables, financial reporting, payroll and employee benefits administration. He joined the church staff in March 2003. Prior to joining The Moody Church, he worked for Accenture. Kent holds a bachelor’s degree from Taylor University and a Master’s degree in Business … [Read More…] Kent Schmidt

Aliyah Mead

  • September 8, 2017
  • BY Eric Morse
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Aliyah is in the Biblical Studies program at Moody Bible Institute, planning to graduate in 2025. Through the Stillson Residency Aliyah hopes to learn more about how church leadership and the church function in a healthy way in this particular context. She is excited to serve the church in this capacity now and be equipped … [Read More…] Aliyah Mead

Who is Jesus?

  • September 6, 2017
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We believe that we are made by God and for God. In every person there exists a longing for the divine that can only be filled by a real relationship with God.  Life, at its best, is experienced when we align ourselves under God’s authority. Only then can we experience the greatest joys and the … [Read More...] Who is Jesus?


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Baptism is God’s will for every believer, and we rejoice whenever someone chooses to take that step of obedience here at The Moody Church. Baptism services are included as part of the Sunday morning worship service, except for our summer baptism, which is held in Lake Michigan.   In order to be baptized at The … [Read More...] Baptism

Our History

  • September 5, 2017
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Early Moody Church History Throughout The Moody Church’s history, our passion has been sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in Chicago and around the world. For over 150 years, we have been celebrating the joy of changed lives in our community.   Our story began with a man who wanted to share the joy of … [Read More...] Our History