• June 2, 2023
  • BY Eric Morse
  • one response
CATEGORIZED IN: From Pastor Philip


God’s mission to bring salvation to all nations began in Genesis 3:15, when God promised to crush the serpent’s head through the coming Seed of Adam. The problem of sin applies to all of humanity; and the promise made to Adam applies to all of his descendants. This is the first proclamation of the Gospel—the hope of the nations.


When God chose Abraham to make a great nation of him, He promised to bless all the families of Earth through him (Genesis 12:3). Even in the subplot of Israel’s story as God’s chosen people, the ultimate aim was always the redemption of the entire world. The calling of Israel was stage one in a worldwide plotline.


When God sent the Holy Spirit to come on His new covenant people who had believed in Jesus, He included Jews and Gentiles as equal members of this new family of God (Ephesians 3:6). The dawn of salvation for all peoples everywhere broke as the church was born. This new multi-ethnic family of faith in the church is a foretaste of the ultimate vision of all that is to come in glory.


In Revelation 7:9–10, we see that vision coming into full reality as people from every nation, tribe, language, and tongue are gathered around the throne room of God, singing praise to the Lamb who was slain. God’s salvation has come to the ends of the earth as all peoples everywhere worship Him forever!


Missions Week is about that grand story of God’s salvation for all peoples everywhere. It is the highlight of the year when we remind ourselves about our ultimate purpose to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18–20). We are here to change our world through mission.


Because the nations are loved, more than they know!

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One thought on “June 4, 2023

  1. Thank you. I enjoy your message every week. God Bless you and your family. My daughter and I worship at the Mission Church in Urbandale, Iowa.

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