We were made to come alive in worship of God! That’s why we believe Jesus is inviting you to know God through worship.
Jesus came to Earth to make God known, and here Jesus, the Son of God, is reaching out to people like you and me, inviting us to get to know Him, to follow Him. He wants a relationship with us. And one of the best ways to take that first step to knowing God is through our Sunday morning worship service.
We meet Sundays from 10:00-11:15am to sing, pray, and study God’s Word. All are welcome!

Current Series

Beginning November 19: Jesus is a King like no other. Most kings make it about themselves. They wield power, authority, and strength for their own benefit. But not Jesus. Jesus is the King who came to serve. He laid down all His rights and privileges in love to rescue us. From His place of glory, He came all the way down to the fringes of this broken world to redeem the very people everyone else had given up on.
Jesus knew the secret to the upside-down kingdom: that in giving ourselves away, we actually get ourselves back.
Come discover the beauty of Jesus, the Servant King, who invites us all to follow Him!

What To Expect For Worship
Every Sunday, thousands gather in-person and online for music, Scripture, and a message from the Bible intended to bring about transformation in our lives. We are, in effect, preparing ourselves to be ambassadors for Christ in the world. The morning service typically lasts 75 minutes.
If this is your first experience at The Moody Church, here’s what you can expect over that hour and fifteen minutes:
- We sing of God’s grace and faithfulness
- We seek the Lord in prayer as a church family
- We worship Him through our offerings
- We learn from God’s Word, taught by our Senior Pastor Philip Miller
We have many programs and opportunities for your children on Sunday morning. Our TMC Kids program is on the 2nd floor of the church, accessible by all elevators in the building. We offer a secure check-in system at the kiosk computers. A Welcome Team is on staff every Sunday to answer questions, help you check in, and point you in the right direction. Your kids will have a blast with us every Sunday!
Infants through 5th Grade
2nd Floor
Sunday Morning programming:
- Infants thru Pre-Kindergarten 9:45am-12:30pm
- Children Kindergarten-2nd Grade 10:30am-12:30pm
- Children 3rd – 5th Grade 11:30am-12:30pm
Wednesday AWANA (children age 2-5th grade, September–May) 6:30pm–8:00pm
*registration is required for Awana. Click here for more information.
For more information regarding our Children’s Ministries, click here.
Junior and Senior High Student Ministries
3rd Floor
Sunday Junior and Senior High 11:30am – 12:30pm
Wednesday Junior and Senior High 6:30pm – 8:00pm
For more information regarding Junior High Ministry, click here.
For more information regarding Senior High Ministry, click here.
We recommend that you take the next steps to get involved by joining a Sunday Community. Before and after the morning service, there are a number of Communities meeting for all walks of life.
Stop by the Connection Corner in the main lobby for more information, or find a Community online.
We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month at both our 10:00am and 5:00pm services. Since we are unable to gather together physically to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, the Elders encourage you to worship with us on our YouTube page and to participate in Communion at home.
Members from our Prayer Team are available by phone Sunday mornings 11:00am-12:30pm. To pray with someone, please dial 312.319.1570.
You can also send your requests via email to prayer@moodychurch.org or by filling out the online Connect Card.
Visit our Giving Page to send your offering online, or you can text-to-give by texting MOODY $XXX (desired amount) to 73256. Then follow the instructions.
You can also mail in your offering to The Moody Church, 1635 N LaSalle, Chicago IL 60614.
If you’d like to read our doctrinal statements, or view our church constitution, you can do so by clicking here.