Hello Children’s Chorus Parents!
It was such a joy to sing in the service last week. Thank you for the time and energy you spent to prepare your singer or singers for the service and I know it was a blessing to so many in our church. It was wonderful to join with the youth choir and to see such a large number of our Moody Church children and youth involved in the service.
We are continuing with regular Wednesday rehearsals except for November 27 of course. It is important that all of our choir members are at the rehearsals in the next two months as we are preparing for our Christmas musical. Please make every effort to be present for as many rehearsals as you can!
This Sunday, November 17, we will have a rehearsal from 12:30-2:30 for the students with larger speaking roles. You can see the names below of the students who need to be present. Thank you so much and please let me know if you have any questions.
Blessings to you!
Elsa Wiese and the Children’s Chorus Team.
Elsa Wiese
Children’s Chorus Director | The Moody Church
Check out our Parent Page!
Michael F
Evan S
Daniella G
Abigail B
Joliana H
Cora M
Ezra E
Xayamaca F
Aviah B
Sydney F
Mia S
Malachi M
Bruk A